My favorite games are Omori, Disco Elysium and Outer Wilds. I cried for hours at the end of those games, and I think the common point in them is high-quality emotional writing and stellar OST (music really affect me) and my attachment to the characters.
I also found that my taste in movies was similar (Hana-bi by Takeshi Kitano is my favorite movie)
I’ve been trying to find something similar, so has anybody any recommendation?
I’d like to add that I basically hated Nier Automata (way too pretentious imo) and Before your Eyes (I wasn’t a fan of the game concept, and found the story pretty weak), and really loved the horror aspects of Omori.
I also heard about To the moon, but games talking about disease are hard for me to enjoy

    1 year ago

    The game takes a while to warm up the plot. It picks up with the Baron quests, and the big emotional parts come out full steam towards the last third of the story.

    If you manage to finish it, replay it with different choices. Some of the character reactions can be really endearing, others can be terribly heartbreaking.

    Both expansions also have excellent stories, one with a Faustian plot, the other with dark stories in a fairy tale veneer.

    I would suggest you try to make it as far as the botchling quest. If you still don’t care for it after that then I’ll concede that it’s not your style of game.

    • slstOP
      1 year ago

      I finished the quest with Dijkstra’s treasure atm, so I’m a bit further than that