I thought about it but I couldn’t think of a proper answer.

I guess it would make the most sense to let the colonized decide what to do with the colonizers, since they are the victims.

And what would happen with the people that were brought in as slaves by the colonizers?

I hope someone smarter than me can explain 🙏🥺

  • Kaffe@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    If you aren’t American, be a bystander then. When the Israelis become the majority after killing enough Palestinians should they get to keep their stolen land?

    You have zero understanding of the American conditions. The Black and Migrants joining with the political structures of the indigenous nations alongside radicalized working class de-settlers will defeat the white supremacist system.

    also why should a small minority of people control the majority of the land thats like the whole thing that we are against here.

    It’s their land, it was stolen. More people doesn’t mean more land. You realize you’re just looking to let the Americans keep their Lebensraum right? We will dismantle their Lebensraum.

    • linkhidalgogato@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      im not just a by stander because while im not american i live in this shithole and idk if i get to be a citizen in your particular flavor of dystopia as it stands im fucked but im certainly not gonna support a revolution to then also be fucked at the end of it, if its people like u or capitalists, i guess im a splitter but i would much rather just a revolution led by leftists. and two because and maybe its just me but if something is morally wrong then idk im against it.

      idk where this magical coalition is at, i certainly i havent seen it around and if u want indigenous supremacy (which if it is according to you their land and therefore they should rule it u clearly do) then i dont see why such a coalition would ever form.

      and what makes it their land, who lives where thru out the world has been ever changing why is the rightful snapshot of territory that most be preserved for eternity 1 second before the whites arrived why not a little earlier why not a little later u makes these statements as if they are simply fact but they arent, why should land belong to whoever happen to be living at any one place 400 years ago

      • Kaffe@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        You keep mentioning morals as if that has shit to do with our oppression. Scientific Socialism finds solutions without bending to settler morality.

        Settlers are in fact, a bourgeoisie toward the colonized peoples.

      • QueerCommie@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        As I already said, natives are not gone, they are just silenced and deprived of their rights. What is your alternative? A settler socialism where we continue to rule only we are internally more equal? In that case you may as well be an imperialist socdem. The “magic coalition” is possible. If you read the BAR articles about “black rage” you will understand the revolutionary potential of Black USians. Fanon shows us the most oppressed are the most willing to fight. The most oppressed here are Black people, colonized peoples, and immigrants. There will be settler allies, people know capitalism and settler colonialism is messed up, especially poor white people which are greater in number than most assume. I myself am a settler ally, willing to fight for decolonization.

        • linkhidalgogato@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          i would prefer socialism u know equality for all not a this messed up changing of the guard shit. i dont want a world where different people are on top i want one where no one is, and if people like that asshole want whites to be an underclass what prevents latino and black people from being next fuck that, this shit sucks but what the fuck is the point of having a “revolution” just to be in the same shit again but with different people at the top.

          • Drive-by Lurker@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            Why did you make me read all this? You could have just said you didn’t investigate the situation from the jump and saved me the trouble.