• I’ve been about 160 lbs my entire adult life, last year I was getting close to 200 lbs and when my clothes stopped fitting I realized I needed to acknowledge my dietary choices. I’m not 25 or even 35 anymore so I had to figure things out and did some research on calorie management. I still eat pizza, burgers, drink beer, drink soda and enjoy candy. I’m just mindful of my calorie budget +/- 200.

    This is my weight in kilos after peaking around 90 kgs last year I stopped recording my weight for a few months. Then I stuck to my “diet” and it wasn’t crazy hard to manage. I’m not an athlete, in fact, I live a pretty sedentary life. These results are from saying no to snacks, avoiding potato chips, and grabbing two pieces of pizza and freezing the rest instead of eating the entire pie.

    • Nurgle@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      That’s great and I applaud you, seriously. But we mercilessly bullied fat people in the 80s, 90s, 00s and yet obesity skyrocketed. And you should probably consider what health (note not healthy) at every weight (HAES) actually is before dismissing it. Like we should encourage people to be healthy even if they’re overweight. This is like addiction, we’re not going to moral police our way out of this health issue.