ExU: Kymal is a two-part miniseries following some of the Crown Keepers shortly after their original adventures in Exandria Unlimited: Prime. It is the second mini-campaign of the Exandria Unlimited series and is followed by Exandria Unlimited: Calamity.
Aabria Iyengar as the Dungeon Master
Anjali Bhimani - Fy’ra Rai, Fire Genasi Monk (Way of the Four Elements)
Aimee Carrero - Opal, Human Warlock (Hexblade)
Robbie Daymond - Dorian Storm, Air Genasi Bard (College of Swords)
Matthew Mercer - Dariax Zaveon, Dwarf Sorcerer (Divine Soul)
And Newcomer
Erica Lindbeck - Morrighan Ferus, Lagomore Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Runtime Break start 4h 54m 1h 30m
Part 2
So, fleeing a 20,000 gold bounty on his brother Cyrus’ head, Dorian fled across the sea from Marquet through Emon, and met up with his friends, the remnant Crown Keepers, in the seedy little casino town of Kymal.
You all synced up, caught up a little bit, immediately got into trouble because you needed to steal a fur for reasons that are beyond me as a DM to understand. And ran into a new, uniquely gifted and very powerful friend, Morrighan.
After overhearing a bit of the Crown Keepers’ money woes, you figured you might as well combine your efforts. Mor is here to clean out this casino after telling the group that she has made her way through every other casino in the city.
But this casino is different. It is the original casino in the city. It’s the most well-guarded, and by far the most prosperous.
So you teamed up with this group and began your heist by stealing a key to a penthouse in hopes of finding master blueprints.
It went pretty badly. You broke into the penthouse regardless, got into a big fight, and then blew up the room.
So, Mor, they’re effective. They’re not subtle, but they can still be useful.
You got the blueprints, you’ve retrieved the treasures hidden under some tiles inside the penthouse, and you, specifically, discovered the most interesting secret of The Maiden’s Wish, that a piece of the architecture of this place, the sky deck, a glass bottom overhanging bar that looks out over the vast mud and rocky nothingness of Kymal, shouldn’t have been able to stand for the decades it’s been around. That’s because it’s magically reinforced with a very rare, very powerful magical stone called brumestone.
So, you know that the streets are full of Nameless Ones stopping everyone from leaving via conversions and threats of death and pledges of fealty, but if you play this right, you can rob the vault, get up to the sky deck, and make the craziest escape ever into the night.
That is where we find ourselves. But before we actually pick up gameplay, I want to talk about a new mechanic I want to introduce for today’s poodle.
Each of you has a coin. You can call it a Fragment of Foresight, you can call it a Heist Coin, you can call it a Poodle Pip. What it’s called doesn’t matter. What it does is the interesting thing.
Now, we all know that planning is the most interesting and easy thing to do in Dungeons & Dragons. So in lieu of having, you know, a four-hour session of you planning your heist and then it not going at all like that, you’re just doing your heist. You’ve already made your plans. As you walk through and face down the obstacles, you can play your Poodle Pip and explain to us how you already accounted for this obstacle.
I’ve taken this from one of my favorite RPGs called Blades in the Dark. It’s a very cool heist-based criminal system, and they elided a lot of the having a plan with starting in medias res, and you describe how you’re prepared for this.
So I want you all to feel prepared and effective, because we’re about to begin, but not quite yet. You’ve made your way out of the penthouse. You’re down, you’re safe, and you’re all together. So you have a little time, you need to rest, but you have rooms here and you have a plan.
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