I’m vacationing in Japan at the moment, visiting relatives. It is sweltering so we stay mostly indoors, but I have been a couple of trips to akihabara. Initially I only meant to buy a used ic-7100 this year, but then of course I also needed a new psu, so alinco was it. After a couple of days I realize that an brand spanking new ic-7300 was half price compared to home (provided I manage to avoid VAT coming home) so I bought one. And now I of course need a new antenna for all this fancy new equipment… It snowballs.

I know I’ll have to do mars mod on the radios. No trouble. That’s easy.

Actually my main worry is my baggage allotment when flying back home.

  • kristoff@infosec.pub
    2 years ago

    Three months ago, we organised an infostand on amateurradio at a makerfaire … and ‘talking to people’ was hardly ever mentioned.

    Amateur radio is a technical / scientific hobby for everything about radio, radio communication, radio technology and radios propagation.

    Actually, the first thing we showed was a small WSPR transmitter and showed that with just ‘a little bit more transmission power then your wifi-router at home’ we could be receiver 4000 km away. (and explained that by transmitting a radio-signal very slowly, you can reach very long distances, … and about HF propagation, greyline propagation, and as wspr signal is so simple, you can build such a transmitter yourself)

    please do not equate hamradio with ‘talking on the radio’. That is probably the worse way to explain what our hobby is about. Ham-radio is ‘a giant playground that allows you to play around with radio-technology and learn how radio really works’.

    Kr. (ON1ARF)