• @aberrate_junior_beatnik@midwest.social
    34 months ago

    Look, Biden may have simply refused to use our meteor defense system to protect us. And of course I don’t want the meteor to hit us and wipe all life off the planet. But Trump wanted to dismantle the meteor defense system entirely! He was even talking about launching meteors at earth! You have to vote for Biden!

    • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
      24 months ago

      Look, I’m just as much against the meteor as the next guy, but talking about this is a vote for Trump! Think about tEh CaMpAiGn

    • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
      14 months ago

      Our sitting president is supporting the fascist theory of a “border crisis” and using it as an excuse to imprison and deport innocent refugees and immigrants, who are disproportionately non-white people with indigenous roots.

      At the same time, he’s been sending arms to Israel, thus supporting genocide.

      If you mention either of these two things, the knee-jerk reaction from establishment Democrats is to clutch their pearls about the “campaign,” which seems to me to be entirely heartless, considering that people are suffering and dying. It’s like we can’t even speak out against it.