Key Points

  • As shoppers await price cuts, retailers like Home Depot say their prices have stabilized and some national consumer brands have paused price increases or announced more modest ones.
  • Yet some industry watchers predict deflation for food at home later this year.
  • Falling prices could bring new challenges for retailers, such as pressure to drive more volume or look for ways to cover fixed costs, such as higher employee wages.
    7 months ago

    This article makes me want to vomit. All these companies and CEOs talking about inflation like it’s this intangible phantom that nobody can get a grasp on.

    “If one looks at inflation over time, we very rarely get into periods of sustained deflation. That’s just not a consumer effect,” Coke CEO James Quincey said Feb. 13."

    It’s the companies and CEOs price gouging. Call a spade a spade for Christ’s sake.