• @taladar@sh.itjust.works
    304 months ago

    If Russia comes out of this conflict with any gains at all that could be construed as “worth it” for their side it will be an open invitation to keep invasions on the table as a method to apply again in the near future.

    • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      Sure, blame the Republicans and not the Democrats wasting all their munitions on a middle east genocide.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      174 months ago

      If you bothered reading the article before making your vapid comments, then you’d see that the aid that republicans are holding up isn’t going to change anything:

      The Biden Administration is entirely correct to warn that without further massive U.S. military aid, Ukrainian resistance is likely to collapse this year. But U.S. officials also need to recognize that even if this aid continues, there is no realistic chance of total Ukrainian victory next year, or the year after that. Even if the Ukrainians can build up their forces, Russia can deepen its defenses even more.

      • xor
        64 months ago

        It seems your reading comprehension is pretty poor: the article doesn’t say that Ukraine can’t win ever, regardless.

        It says that they can’t win a total victory this year or next year, even with further aid.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          64 months ago

          My reading comprehension is just fine. Anybody with a functioning brain can understand that Ukraine’s prospects of winning will only be worse from here on out. Western support is already cracking, and that’s the only thing that’s been keeping Ukraine afloat this whole time. Meanwhile, the west is already openly admitting that it lacks capacity to continue supplying Ukraine at even current levels while Russian military industry is rapidly expanding. It’s incredible that people still can’t understand the basic facts of the situation.

  • @slappy
    254 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      244 months ago

      Ukraine lost its sovereignty back in 2014 when the west ran a coup that overthrew the legitimate and democratically elected government. What NATO “support” has accomplished was to ensure that hundreds of thousands of people died, and millions more had their lives ruined without changing the outcome. End of story.

      • @FluffyPotato@lemm.ee
        114 months ago


        You mean when Yanukovych tried to make himself dictator and killed some protestors for it only to flee when that triggered massive protests and the US wanted the people protesting to accept his deal and not get rid of him?

          • xor
            54 months ago

            Ooh quora, well known for it’s sane and well researched investigative reporting lmao

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              104 months ago

              The article literally links to dozens of mainstream western sources. I love how libs are invariably unable to actually engage with the content, and simply resort to ad hominem when faced with facts that run contrary to their narrative.

              • xor
                4 months ago

                “Quora is not a good source” is not an ad hominem.

                libs are invariably unable to actually engage with the content

                This, however, is exactly that

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  74 months ago

                  Dismissing the source because it’s Quora without actually engaging with the content of the source which links to lots of primary sources, is in fact an example of ad hominem.

                  Pointing out that libs use this tactic however is not.

              • xor
                4 months ago

                deleted by creator

          • @FluffyPotato@lemm.ee
            44 months ago

            Ah yes a quora post that reads like a conspiracy theory with sources that point to other quora posts. This is why debunking qanon, flat earth and other such conspiracies is such a chore, no one ever has like one credible thing to point to, it’s a spiderweb of events that usually don’t properly connect but they all have massive documents that try to connect them anyways.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  44 months ago

                  I love how you keep referring to well documented facts as conspiracy theories. Really helps highlight the quality of your intellect.

        • @ksynwa@lemmy.ml
          94 months ago

          Should also point out that five police officers were tried for this supposed massacre. The trial itself was shady as shit and Kiev Independent acknowledged that the Ukrainian prosecution sabotaged the proceedings. Out of the five officers on trial, the three that were tried in absentia were conveniently given harsh sentences and the two in attendance did not serve any time, with one being acquited.

      • @slappy
        94 months ago

        deleted by creator

          • @slappy
            44 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • @OleoSaccharum@lemm.ee
              104 months ago

              I actually appreciate your wholehearted bewilderment instead of calling everyone a Russian bot. I know a guy in Oregon who just fishes all the time and works shit jobs who wrote an epic series on the Maidan if you ever decide to give a shit about what happened.

              To tell you the truth, I have no confidence any redditor could take the ride he and I took, back to WWII. Back to Stepan Bandera. Back to the Breton Woods conference which began the motions which positioned the US to grasp at total financial, military, technological, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, caloric, you name it we weaponized it economically on a scale the British and other little piddly “empires” could never dream of.

              Back before that, to the development of capitalism itself which was delayed in Germany resulting in its peculiar backward traits. How it indirectly affected the irrationalist philosophers which inspired Hitler.

              There is no hiding the coup in Ukraine slappy. It was well planned. It was heralded with a bipartisan tripartite of congressional emissaries you surely know and love: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bmaakY-PIAc (this video is search blocked on youtube and duckduckgo but is accessible). A paratrooper from north carolina helped orchestrate the false flag attacks at the Maidan. You’d never believe it all. The Russians can’t even believe some of the shit I know about Ukrainian history.

              Did you know Stepan Bandera was assassinated by the KGB with poison gas

            • @OleoSaccharum@lemm.ee
              4 months ago

              PS - I can almost relate to people who say things like this, or speculate about how every country in the world engages in torture.

              Almost. I can almost remember what it was like to dream like you of a world where everyone is as evil as USA, EU, Japan, NZ, Aus, SK. But thankfully it isn’t. It’s a historical process in motion. Not a static idealistic element of all nation states.

              The truth is that modern torture practices were invented and codified by the colonial empires through systematic concentration camp butchery in the Congo (devices which castrate people faster, etc), other colonies, then the British invented torture which didn’t leave marks for domestic use, the Five Techniques. The US has further innovated torture by electrocuting people in the testicles and other such things related to our military hazing culture that creates so many serial killers famous in our country.

              You can watch TV shows and pretend the world is all Guantanamo Bay, but we have the training manuals slappy. Going back to the torture methods of the british in malaysia and more. We have all the operation condor torture manuals and SERE. I have seen everything slappy. :-) It will always be out there now. Just like 24 taught me what I can do with a lamp wire in a few moments. We opened pandora’s box to try to control the world. We tried to rip the human soul apart and reassemble it. But we failed. And now we have to pay the price of watching our empire crumble.

              The Ukrainians are part of a trail of forensic evidence going back to the British empire in Malaysia slappy. For want of all the evidence but the torture they would be marked American American American :-)

              • @slappy
                44 months ago

                deleted by creator

  • It is not that surprising, Arabic media has been reporting it for a while. It is just that corporate media in the West is finally catching up to reality.

  • Maybe I’m wrong here, but I think most people never thought Ukraine would win the war outright. Personally, I’ve never heard anyone say that they thought Ukraine would push Russia out entirely and the war would end. Even if Ukraine did secure all of its land, Russia would almost certainly continue fighting along the border to prevent it from joining any alliance like NATO. It seemed the best anyone hoped for is that there would be enough pressure applied to Russia that something changed within where they gave up on the war.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      144 months ago

      People, and importantly western leadership, absolutely thought they could force a regime change in Russia when the war started. For example, recall all the whole rouble will be rubble talk. The plan was for the west to isolate Russia economically using sanctions and intimidate other countries to stop trading with Russia. Russian economy was supposed to collapse as a result, and people were gonna overthrow the government.

      This is why Europe went all in on the whole thing, they thought they’re gonna ride it out for a few months and then the west would get to put in a compliant regime in Russia like they did in Ukraine. After that, everything would get back to business as usual, and the regime would start selling off Russia to western companies the way Ukraine is currently being sold off.

      Of course that’s not how it went, and now we’re seeing a narrative shift because it’s becoming clear that the west failed to break Russia economically. Not only that, but Russia is emerging more assertive and has the backing of the Global South. This is the worst possible outcome for the west, and Europe in particular.

      • Maybe I’m not doing the best at explaining myself, but my intent was for my comment to say much the same as yours (which I totally agree with). I was just trying to say that I didn’t hear many people who thought Ukraine could actually win a war against Russia through fighting. There was definitely hope that Russia would have a regime change due to the pressure and that would put an end to the war, but that outcome seems more like Russia just ending fighting rather than Ukraine winning. I suppose my comment was moreso just arguing semantics on the word “win” in terms of this conflict, which is ultimately a bit pointless.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          54 months ago

          Oh yeah, I completely agree with that. The idea was to have Ukraine hold the line while the economic war does the real damage. We’re very much on the same page here.

      • @Quastamaza@lemmy.ml
        54 months ago

        I agree with everything, except the fact that the outcome is bad for Europe. Would be much worse had western governments reached their goals.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          64 months ago

          The problem for Europe now is that it’s been effectively cut off from Russian resources. Now that Russia has managed to reorient their trade towards the east, I doubt they’ll want to deal with Europe going forward. Why bother trying to do trade with people who hate you and are constantly trying to undermine you when you can work with friendly partners instead. Any trade with Europe will be seen as being a very risky proposition by Russia unless there’s a dramatic political shift in Europe going forward.

          European leaders should’ve realized that it was in their interest to do everything possible to prevent the war from starting in the first place. Yet, they chose to follow Pied Piper right off the cliff instead.