What could be wrong with camps to just concentrate these folks into a single area? That just makes it easier to implement a final solution once it has been found. We can let them earn gold stars to identify outstanding individuals. I think this would be a great experiment. Can you not see?
Respectfully, it feels like you have something on your mind and you used my post as a ramp to launch into your spiel. I haven’t been silent. I wasn’t aware when they started. I don’t know enough to speak on that subject. But I became aware when they permanently destroyed families, tracked girls’ menstruation, and overcrowded them with little to no resources. Perhaps they were created with the intent of humane treatment as a temporary measure to address immigration applicants who would otherwise be homeless and vulnerable, but I don’t know that either.
What I can observe is how the camps were used by conservatives and draw parallels to camps used similarly by the Nazis (and while the parallel isn’t quite the same, I acknowledge also by the US against Japanese citizens).
And it’s really weird that you address me like this is the first I’ve spoken out about this. Unless you tie me back to my Reddit history (which I’m certain would be difficult since I changed names) you couldn’t possibly know what I’ve said or not. But for the record I’ve vocally opposed inhumane treatment of immigrants for years.
What could be wrong with camps to just concentrate these folks into a single area? That just makes it easier to implement a final solution once it has been found. We can let them earn gold stars to identify outstanding individuals. I think this would be a great experiment. Can you not see?
We also need to build large rooms with no windows and single entry/exit points for these folks to take showers
The problem is getting everyone there, maybe railroads would work but Biden likes those so they’re out!
Coal-powered F-350s ought to do the trick
That shit started under Obama tho…
Him and Biden literally built cages for migrant children, that was a real thing.
trump didn’t get rid of them, neither did Biden.
So if your line in the sand was camps…
America crossed that line a long fucking time ago. Hell, WW2 we did it based on ethnicity even if they were a US citizen.
Everyone should be pissed off at camps like this. But if you’re pissed it might happen, why are you already ignoring it happening?
Fight to stop it from happening now.
Respectfully, it feels like you have something on your mind and you used my post as a ramp to launch into your spiel. I haven’t been silent. I wasn’t aware when they started. I don’t know enough to speak on that subject. But I became aware when they permanently destroyed families, tracked girls’ menstruation, and overcrowded them with little to no resources. Perhaps they were created with the intent of humane treatment as a temporary measure to address immigration applicants who would otherwise be homeless and vulnerable, but I don’t know that either.
What I can observe is how the camps were used by conservatives and draw parallels to camps used similarly by the Nazis (and while the parallel isn’t quite the same, I acknowledge also by the US against Japanese citizens).
And it’s really weird that you address me like this is the first I’ve spoken out about this. Unless you tie me back to my Reddit history (which I’m certain would be difficult since I changed names) you couldn’t possibly know what I’ve said or not. But for the record I’ve vocally opposed inhumane treatment of immigrants for years.