Personally I’m sure that if e621 had some kind of ‘following’ functionality I would probably follow hundreds of artists but as far as I know e621 doesn’t provide this kind of functionality, so how I usually keep up with my favorite artists’ posts it’s just manually searching by their name but just as I said, I easily know more than a hundred artists and usually going one by one is pretty tiring, besides, how am I supposed to know the name of each artist? I barely know by heart the name of the ones I usually look for, but there are many others that I just favorite a post I like and forget about them, because I forget their name and I have many favorites…

    54 months ago

    Set up a search like:

    ~artistname ~artistname ~artistname order:id id:>0

    Add in the artists you want to watch. You’ll get all of their posts in the order they were posted, oldest to newest. Decide on a starting point (or just take the most recent one if you want to start from today), replace the 0 at the end with the ID of that post, and bookmark it.

    When you want to check for new stuff, open the bookmark, and you’ll see all posts by those artists that came after the one you took the ID from. Browse as you please, and when you get to the end, copy the ID of the most recent post, replace the ID in your search, and update the bookmark.

    Also works for any search that isn’t artist names, too, obviously.

    • @Xirup@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
      14 months ago

      I used to do that, but after X number of ~artistname it basically didn’t accept any more… In fact that’s exactly why I stopped using that method because I had so many ~artistname that the bookmark url looked like an Amazon affiliate link. Still, thanks for the tip!

      Where can I find more information about keywords like order:id id:>0?

        24 months ago

        I’d just set up multiple bookmarks with groups of artists in each one, grouped by style or usual content.

        There’s a ‘search help’ link next to the search bar that has info on all of the weird tags you can use; it links to this guide.

  • Victoria
    44 months ago

    I use the RE621 userscript. It can be found on the e621 forum under “Tools and Applications”

    • @Xirup@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
      4 months ago

      I just discovered a new world thanks to you, and I hate you, because my e621 consumption just increased at least 1000%. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of the e621 ‘forums’ or the tools section, I mean, only RE621 it’s basically the reinvention of the wheel.

      Thank you so much!

    4 months ago

    I’ve been using the follow feature of e1547 for Android. I’ll be sure to add this as a feature to the desktop e621 client I’m developing (stay tuned for that. I’ll have it ready to publish any month now, just as soon as uni gives me a breather…)

    4 months ago

    Bookmark them all. And then you sort by “most recent visit” so you see the artists you haven’t checked out in a while