He pressed Pelosi on whether the United States has a red line for Israel and whether they “own” the Gaza operation as much as their ally.

“If you don’t like what Israel is doing, and the president has made it clear that some of what Israel is doing he doesn’t like, and you go on supplying them with hardware to do these things you own this operation every bit as much as they do, don’t you?” Sebastian asked the former House Speaker.

  • @ctkatz@lemmy.ml
    415 months ago

    you know I wish people would stop pussyfooting around the issue and just come out and say it: the israeli government is committing a genocide in gaza. if they’re worried about being called antisemitic, don’t. they’re calling you that anyway and they throw that word around so much that the word has almost no shock value or meaning anymore.

    • @Reptorian@lemmy.zip
      35 months ago

      Finding does not really support the Israel is doing genocide claim, but it can be argued that they did commit war crimes. Genocide is much higher bar to clear, but intentionally doing war crimes is arguable. And you’re correct that criticism of Israel alone is not anti-semitic.

    • I think it is possible that Israel could be committing genocide and that you personally sound a lot like a run of the mill anti Semite.

      Maybe both is true?

      • @ctkatz@lemmy.ml
        275 months ago

        so you are equating the government of a secular nation to a religion, and that criticizing the actions of that government is the same as being against the existence of that religion.

        see I can’t really get upset about this because people with pro jewish only israel agendas have thrown that word around so it means nothing. it’s about as effective as calling a democrat a socialist and communist.

          • @ctkatz@lemmy.ml
            55 months ago


            you tell me what in my post was antisemitic first, and then we will see if I choose to initiate a conversation.

            • Well its multifaceted.

              Your starting position is that people aren’t in unanimous agreement with you because they are afraid Jews will call them antisemites.

              You then go on to claim that Jews are already calling us all antisemites so we have no reason to not agree with you.

              If not antisemitic, it is reductionist to the point of being mistaken for it, so what did it add to the dialog?

              • @ctkatz@lemmy.ml
                25 months ago

                I didn’t say people who agree with me are afraid jews will call them antisemitic. if anything I said. people, people close to and or in power are not being as explicit as I am. and by the way, jews aren’t calling people antisemitic. people who support a pro israel only agenda are calling people antisemitic. that includes jewish people who are vocal about what israel is doing. that’s why that word has no power. and in no way did I suggest people do not have a reason to disagree with me, other than intentionally misreading my comment to try to draw out an argument.

                if all of that is beyond you and it clearly is, having a discussion with you would be similar to wrestling with a pig in mud: you end up angry and muddy and. the pig just enjoys it. I choose to not engage.

                • So the people are in power agree with you, but won’t explicitly say so, because they are afraid of being called anti Semites by people who aren’t Jewish?

                  If you are unable to support the Palestinian people without the insinuations of conspiracy you have to consider that you may be further harming the Palestinian people, rather than aiding them.

        • Ahh yes, because the trolls are the ones saying it is possible to defend Israel without antisemitism.

          Do you hear how stupid you sound when you suggest nonsense like that?

          • @Count042@lemmy.ml
            4 months ago

            What I see, is a bigoted fucking genocide enabler.

            Basically, since the end of world war two, most genocides are done the same fucking way. You concentrate the population you consider undesirable into an area whose borders you can control, then you cut off food.

            Depending on the paranoia of population, they will have two to three months of food stores, unless you strip it from them first.

            Then it takes about a month for the first deaths from starvation to kick in, with children first.

            Then the numbers of people dying go up fucking fast.

            This is how genocides are done. Mainly because it is so effective and most people don’t recognize that the first steps are genocidal. And those first months are critical. You HAVE to keep the food out.

            During that time, when everyone with even the first bit of knowledge of history were screaming that Israel was committing genocide, disgusting genocide enablers like you would pop up trying to muddy the waters accusing people trying to warn the world that genocide was happening of antisemitism.

            You know what the odds are of something happening when it already happened are? 100%

            I’m not guessing at your motivations (I know you like to accuse anyone implying motivations of being antisemitic.)

            I’m stating what your actions were. What the consequences are.

            You enabled genocide.

            The first children died last week. Even if food were to flood Gaza now, the children will be permanently handicapped. You don’t starve this much without there being permenent damage.

            You helped buy Israel the month it needed once the food stores ran out. Maybe just a little, but still a little.

            If ‘Never Again’ meant anything to you more than ‘Never Again to Jewish people’, then you have individually helped it fail.

            • Are you being paid to harass people and make these accusations against them, or are you truly as mentally unhinged as you are currently choosing to make yourself look?

              • @Count042@lemmy.ml
                4 months ago

                This is what rage at the people that helped enable genocide looks like.

                It’s what holding the people that helped enable it accountable looks like.

                As the numbers go up exponentially, as they will now that the deaths from starvation kick in, I will remind you that you called the people trying to raise the alarm antisemitic for doing so in the critical months that something could have been done.

                You helped enable this. I will continue to remind you of the dead.

                • So instead of doing anything to help the Palestinian people, you have decided to stalk and harass random people you previously failed to convince and blame them for everything?

                  You aren’t the good guy you keep pretending to be.

      • @Passerby6497@lemmy.world
        165 months ago

        What part of their post was antisemitic, specifically?

        I see trolls like you calling anything and everything antisemitic just because it doesn’t full throated support Israel, but never what or why. No clue why…

  • livus
    5 months ago

    Self-awareness in short supply:

    The behavior of Netanyahu is, in my view, inexcusable in terms of how it has effected the collateral damage of children and families and the rest, but nobody can take away the right of any country to dEfEnd itSeLf

    If something’s inexcusable then don’t make excuses.

    • @ButtermilkBiscuit@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      TIL “dEfEnSE!!!” = Starving an entire ethnic group, blocking aid, enforcing apartheid, stealing land, executing civilians in the street with impunity, killing 30k mostly women and children, bombing hospitals, bombing refugee camps, bombing ambulances, torturing detainees, and committing genocide. Just like how those Nazis in the 40s were just defending Germany right?

      More double speak from the “left” in the US.

      • @Reptorian@lemmy.zip
        85 months ago

        More double speak from the “left” in the US.

        The left certainly don’t think any of those are defense. You’re talking about centrists and right-wingers. Most of the democratic party are centrist, not leftist.

      • @AstridWipenaugh@lemmy.world
        55 months ago

        The right supports Israel’s genocide too. It’s a whole lot easier to count the handful of people in DC that don’t support it.

        • @ButtermilkBiscuit@lemmy.world
          35 months ago

          Yeah agree, I just hate how frequently dems will call Israel’s action “brutal”, “inexcusable”, or condem their settlers violence in one breath then vote to approve stand alone appropriations for their government in another.

        • @Spiralvortexisalie@lemmy.world
          15 months ago

          What people forget too quickly is there is a populist candidate who would respond to pressure and apply it forcefully. The best example of this was the call for a bigger stimulus check, the average joe complained, the establishment ignored them and said it wasn’t gonna happen until Trump highlighted it and pushed the establishment to halfway allow it. A Trump political strategist could get Trump to start chanting Genocide Joe, it would force Biden to say he won’t stop or if he does stop, the ability to say he stopped it the wrong way (Too many deaths, not enough hostages released, poor bargaining, etc). This war really only seems popular with establishment players, the same types of folks who either hate Trump or fall in line for him anyway so it would only be positive points. The scary part is every side is essentially playing chicken with people’s futures and the market can stay illogical way longer than the average joe can be liquid.

  • trevor
    265 months ago

    It’s lovely that Pelosi has more contempt for the anti-genocide protestors than the far-right extremist that broke into her house and beat her husband with a hammer.

    What a wonderful world.

  • @BreadstickNinja@lemmy.world
    235 months ago

    Wasn’t she claiming that pro-Palestine demonstrators were Russian plants all of three weeks ago?

    Maybe someone finally showed her a poll as to what fraction of the Democratic party opposes Israel’s slaughter of Gazan children.

      • @BreadstickNinja@lemmy.world
        75 months ago

        I saw a poll last month that said 50% of Biden voters believe Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Either way, it’s a substantial enough fraction to cause a notable change in messaging from Democratic leadership.

        • @FlowVoid@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          It’s not inconsistent for Democrats to believe that Israel is committing genocide and approve of Biden’s handling of the issue.

          It just implies that Democrats don’t hold Biden responsible for what Israel is doing.

          • @agitatedpotato@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            I call those people gutless. They so scared of Republicans they wont dare utter any negativity toward the president even though they agree that a genocide is happening. He’s been supplying weapons and vetoing ceasefires, I can’t believe the majority of the crossover of those two ideas is dumb enough to not think any of it is Bidens fault. Its more likely they’re scared.

            • @FlowVoid@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              UN resolutions won’t change Israel’s behavior. But there’s an argument to be made that Biden is working behind the scenes to prevent the situation in Gaza from being even worse. Sometimes the carrot is more effective than the stick.

              • @agitatedpotato@lemmy.world
                5 months ago

                If the UN resolution wont change their behavior then Biden wouldn’t have reason to veto it. But obviously it would change something he was not okay with changing.

                • @FlowVoid@lemmy.world
                  5 months ago

                  It wouldn’t change Israel’s behavior, but it would make it more difficult for Biden to try to influence Israel.

  • lettruthout
    125 months ago

    “There’s nothing that we have sent since Oct. 7 that has contributed to this brutality,” she said.

    'Not sure about that but absolutely the US has done nothing to stop it.