I’m looking into it for making music, streaming & VJ-ing. Wondering if it’s the type of distro that “just works”, or if you end up tinkering a lot? Would love to hear your experiences.

  • EGirlEnthusiast
    21 year ago

    The distros that ‘just work’ are typically referred to as beginner distros. Not that there is anything wrong with them, im running one myself. But those usually include Linux Mint and Ubuntu. These come with packages pre-installed to make your experience less of a pain to setup.

    • @melmelOP
      11 year ago

      Nice, yeah AV Linux comes with a lot of pre-installed stuff so hoping it’s as easy as it seems :) I do like to tinker but not when I’m supposed to be doing other work haha

      • voxel
        1 year ago

        preinstalled stuff doesn’t matter that much, as most of these just works distros come with GUI tools which you can use to install stuff just like you would do it in something like play store (search -> install -> enter password)

        • @melmelOP
          11 year ago

          Fair. And I’m now addicted to installing things in CLI anyway, ‘cause Windows store is a buggy nightmare