I hate funerals and memorial services, haven’t been to one since the 1990s. Skipped my old man’s. Told my mom I won’t be at hers. If family or friends try to stage a funeral for me, I’ve promised them I won’t be there.

But jeez, I wish I could’ve been at this one.

  • Spiralvortexisalie@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    This feels inflammatory, the Church was aware of the service and many of the complaints were related to language and outfits worn, for comparison the last time this level of outrage by NY archdiocese happened was a Sabrina Carpenter video. I have noticed conservative outlets seem to paint this as Trans Activists masterfully tricking the church who are now victims of deception and debauchery, which seems like outrage bait for people with no stake in it.