A CBC Marketplace investigation found some food manufacturers are producing snack foods for the Canadian market that contain an ingredient banned in Europe.

That additive, titanium dioxide, was banned in the European Union after a May 2021 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) review couldn’t rule out that it may cause DNA or chromosomal damage in humans.

“What we concluded was that we could not really exclude the possibility that titanium dioxide can damage the DNA material, the genetic material in the cells,” Camilla Smeraldi, team leader for EFSA’s food additive and flavourings team, told Marketplace in an interview from her office in Parma, Italy. “It’s not something that we should intentionally add to foods.”

  • wise_pancake@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    Health Canada published a review of titanium dioxide studies in June 2022, which found there is no conclusive scientific evidence that the food additive is a concern for human health.

    After reading the review it does make their code I’m choice make more sense, however I do think the more you add to food the worse it probably is.