Maxim Dounin announces the freenginx project.

As such, starting from today, I will no longer participate in nginx development as run by F5. Instead, I’m starting an alternative project, which is going to be run by developers, and not corporate entities:

    Tiếng Việt
    1 year ago

    Nothing prevents GNU software to do business

    GNU already stated themselves, but they prohibit modification and redistribution: any modification must also fall under GPL. Perhaps I want my code public domain or 0BSD? In practical, commercial also mean modified.

    From your writing I have seen you as a dogmatism of Marxism-Leninism. That’s revisionism. Nowadays new Marxism learn about Marxism-Leninism, then talk about how the business could get better, and competitive with other Marxism (to make money for the capitalists.) to produce more high-quality products

    Anyone dislike? Marxism is always against dogmatism.