Edit: new and improved image, now with 100% less support! Used my expert photo editing skills to change “supporting” to say “voting for”

  • daltotron@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    aha, but what if I have a master plan to save them, which involves removing the structural barriers to them escaping the attic via an attack that uses fire? we’re making the mother of all omelettes, jack, you can’t fret over every egg, or whatever.

    this is just raw accelerationism though, and I’ve been told that’s not a kosher ideology, so we can’t legitimately engage with it. kind of a shame, but also pretty easily co-opted into just being like, neo-fascism, so, understandable. we need to start lighting the types of furniture I don’t like on fire! we need to let the attic burn, with the people inside, because it will provide warmth! and so on. we won’t disassemble the house with the master’s tools, or what have you, and a house divided against itself cannot stand, but it’s also impossible to move houses in this economy, so I dunno. do we need to start knocking out walls for an open floorplan, or what? is the metaphor falling apart, and beginning to collapse, like the house?

    • Xtallll
      1 year ago

      Cis white heterosexual revolutionaries will have a shining new day once the ashes clear, I’m sure they will build a monument to all the oppressed people they sacrificed to the fire.

      • daltotron@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Well of course, all the normies would need something to direct their two minutes’ hate at, or whatever.