Stability is the most important thing it provides. After that, it provides even more opportunities for happiness.
You can buy better food. You can pay someone to do your chores gaining back time to rest and have a hobby. You can afford better than the most basic healthcare in the US. You can support causes you really believe in. You can get therapy. You can take a trip. Those things won’t make you happy, but they can contribute to happiness.
Money doesn’t buy happiness. It buys stability, the foundation of happiness.
Boomers need to take a look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Stability is the most important thing it provides. After that, it provides even more opportunities for happiness.
You can buy better food. You can pay someone to do your chores gaining back time to rest and have a hobby. You can afford better than the most basic healthcare in the US. You can support causes you really believe in. You can get therapy. You can take a trip. Those things won’t make you happy, but they can contribute to happiness.