I get it. It’s not your thing. Just don’t watch it.

If you hear someone say they hate video games or a movie they like oh you’ll never hear the end of it - but when it’s something they don’t like they’ll complain for days.

They’ll make lame jokes like “I guess they’re all watching their sportsball”. Just so condescending and “I am very smart” for not watching.

Personally I think a lot of it stems from “The sports kids made fun of me in high school” and rather than rise above it, they have become the very people they hated back then.

Just let people enjoy things. Football, Video Games, who cares. Just enjoy what you enjoy. I like football, and nerdy video games, and rpgs, and really just stop trying to put people in boxes and let people enjoy what they like.

  • Communist
    75 months ago

    I was annoyed by the superbowl as a child because we had a tv so everyone watched while I wanted to watch cartoons.

    Now that I have agency and my own computer I don’t even notice the superbowl.

  • Drusas
    75 months ago

    The problem is that just not watching it doesn’t stop you from being inundated with advertisement for it and grocery stores being ruined for the couple of days leading up to it.

  • LinkOpensChest.wav
    65 months ago

    The thing that annoys me is how complete strangers will assume I’m interested in football and try to chat me up. I don’t ask random people at the office about which Commander decks are their favorites or what are their best longboarding spots.

  • THCDenton
    45 months ago

    I’m sitting in my parents livingroom watching it. I don’t like football but my mom loves it and she makes a bunch of food. So I’m happy to play along.

  • magnetosphere
    45 months ago

    I made fun of one of my friends for reading trashy romance novels. She just shrugged and said “I know they’re terrible, but I like them.” She was very calm and matter-of-fact about it. She wasn’t embarrassed, and didn’t try to defend herself.

    I felt like a jerk, but since then I’ve remembered not to criticize someone’s harmless personal hobbies. If they’re not hurting anyone, why be cruel and take enjoyment away from people?

    • ScrubblesOP
      15 months ago

      This was me too, my SO loved football, I was the quintessential nerd. I told her it was stupid and a waste of time and she did the same - “I don’t care, I like it, it’s a fun way for me to enjoy an afternoon, and I get to have snacks and beer”. Why should I shit on her fun? Just because she chooses to unwind differently from me. Now we enjoy the games together while she also enjoys my things.

      Congrats on the self reflection. It’s not always easy, but we definitely come out the other end for the better.

  • NegativeLookBehind
    45 months ago

    The people who complain about the people who complain about the superbowl are the real problem

  • Admiral PatrickM
    35 months ago

    If this is about the post I made earlier, I definitely wasn’t denigrating anyone who enjoyed it. I don’t feel that way at all, and I tried to make that clear in the post.

    • ScrubblesOP
      35 months ago

      It wasn’t honestly, more from a friend group text where it’s a barrage of constant texts about how stupid it is anyone would watch it. Meanwhile I’m making nachos…

      I like them, I like playing board games and hanging out with them, but it is also super annoying how they do the same things they complain about other people doing to them.

  • Krafty Kactus
    15 months ago

    I generally just dislike it when stuff about an event I don’t care about gets commented on by half the people I follow on Mastodon. (I will make an exception for the SuperbOwl posts but they’re on thin ice)

  • @Morcyphr@lemmy.one
    15 months ago

    As a football fan, I’m way more annoying about it than people who complain about it. Ask my family and neighbors. And I’m definitely not the exception.

    Also, note that super bowl haters have never attempted to burn cities to the ground due to hated of football.