No offense or judgement meant to anyone if that’s your thing (to each their own). That’s just how I see pretty much all professional sports - the super bowl is just the poster child for it.
No offense or judgement meant to anyone if that’s your thing (to each their own). That’s just how I see pretty much all professional sports - the super bowl is just the poster child for it.
I quit watching the NFL a few years ago because the amount of advertising crammed into a single game is completely obscene now. I’ll be mindful of your sanity and mood, and not break down how fucking over the top it is, but it’s pretty much a commercials show, with some football breaks.
I’m European so I have a bias but I never understood how Americans watch a sport that stops so many times for ads. It just feels like the ads are the show and the game is the second plan.
That’s actually why soccer never took off over here. The networks felt that there aren’t enough breaks for commercials, so they never marketed soccer as a good sport.
I don’t understand why the ads are so absolutely boring and stupid. It’s also the same ad over and over again. I mean, make an ad which is a story line which you run throughout the game. At least make people laugh.
They’d rather just pound it into your subconscious, so when you need a widget in 6 months you pick their brand without even knowing why.