AccidentalRenaissance has no active moderators due to Reddit’s unprecedented API changes, and has thus been privated to prevent vandalism.
Resignation letters:
Openminded_Skeptic -
VoltasPistol -
We welcome you to join us in our new homes:
Thank you for all your support!
Original post from r/ModCoord
Feel kind of honored. One of the posts that the founding mod pulled over was a pic of my dog.
That’s a really good shot!
Is that a magic helmet?
Second question: Does your dog also have a sword?
Third question: Does your dog want to kill the wabbit?
I actually thought of you when I posted it bc I remember when you (or your spouse?) posted it to the OG sub and whatnot! I was like… should I try to get in touch first to see if it’s ok to post it, and then I forgot to do that and posted it anyway lol.
Haha. All good. Here’s the original resolution file if you want it.
DM us if you’re ever in the San Francisco area and want to grab a drink!
Removed by mod