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Episode 0.5

Thousands of years ago, the gods were locked in a divine war. As the forces of good, evil , order, and chaos did battle. And after millenia, the good gods, known as ‘The Virtuous’ were victorious, and they ushered in a time known as the Immortal Peace. Driven by a desire to use this divine power to create rather than destroy, they called into existence


a great fertile crater, surrounded on all sides by an impassable mountain range called the Allanites(sp?). From the Walking Forests of Rathi, to Sarin the Inland Sea, life flourishes here in all its forms.
Yet, as ever, mortality mars whatever it touches. Reliquiae, whilst free from war, is not free from murder, lies, extortion and cruelty. There are still dark corners of the world where nefarious deeds flourish. Many of the doers of those deeds are wandering souls who find their home in The Web, an organization that offers protection, and procurement, and power at a price. The Web is known as the last refuge of the desperate. If a family owes a debt they cannot pay, or a farmer wishes to settle an age-old score, or a scholar longs to discover something thought to be lost in the mists of time, they call on The Web.

For Their Eyes Are As To The Stars In The Sky


The Web Is Wide

and there are two ways you can pay for this help. One is the gold price and the other is servitude. The greater and more distasteful the task, the more gold or time is required.
Our players are agents of The Web, bound to it until such time as their debt is paid. There is no other escape. The Web. Is. Wide.
You have beeen in the city of Escalon for three days preparing for the mission given to you by The Spinner, the skeletal lieutenant of the leader of The Web. Your mission is to murder Aleir Dacar, a highborn elf and heir to an influential and ancestral seat, the lineage of which can be traced back to the creation of Reliquiae itself.
Tonight there is a masked ball taking place in the Dacar family mansion, which sits on the arat hill, high in the aristocratic quarter of the city. As the sun begins to set, casting the buildings in red and gold, you leave your lodgings and make your way up this hill. The outline, the silhouettes on the limestone. This path is intricately paved and patterned and each intersection you see painted in lapis lazuli-colored paint. Golden and blue trees, which are the symbol of the elven goddess Theon. As you near the high walls of this Dacar family estate, there are gates of wrought iron with apples, embossed as emblems, into them. A crowd has started to converge, gather around these gates. All in brightly-colored robes and all wearing elaborate masks, almost Venetian-style masks, which either partially or entirely cover their faces.

  • UltragrampsOPM
    1 year ago
    • 00:07:42 Fan Art Moment Masked Ball Outfit descriptions:
      Ben:“Radian is wearing a very very long-nosed mask. It points out with a tiny point at the end that is gold-plated. It has, true to his own face, which is very scarred, it also has ornate decoration that almost could be mistaken for scars themselves. So, even though it hides his face, it almost reveals a bit of a truth about himself which makes him feel incredibly uncomfortable.”
      Hollie:“Endelion’s mask is made of bark, so it’s got that texture of wood and bark to it, but it’s actually an animal. It’s in the shape of a mouse. Why not? Maybe it means something, maybe it doesn’t, but yeah, it’s a little like-- but it’s ornately carved, it’s not like it’s been clobbered together. It does still have these little gold details to it. It’s something very noble, very elegant, but it is a mouse.”
      Doug:“Kelnys is not a cosplayer, per se. He wasn’t really sure what to wear on his face for this ball, so he stuck his face in the leaves at the base of a tall oak tree, smeared some sap around. He is wearing slightly dessicated leaves all over his face and he just kind of picked some away from his mouth and his nostrils so he can breathe and speak. Whether he can see or not is another thing.”
      Aoife:“Dolly’s mask is split down the middle. On one side it’s got typical jester horns that end in bells that are just jingling, because Dolly’s clothes are covered in gold rings and bells and chains anyway. So she kind of jingles when she walks, but these bells add a little tinkle to it. On the other side, it’s black lace and tweel that just trains out behind on the one side. It’s kind of impractical because it’s getting caught on one of her horns, but it adds a certain amount of drama that she quite likes.”
      Alex:“I is a mess. I has never really known what masked balls are, so I used his wiley ways over the last three days. Broke into a couple of stores and basically has taken a mishmash of other masks and broken them to try and fit his kobold face; pasted them together. One is kind of like, there’s an eyehole which is enormous and one that is a little bit too small and has gotten hold of some paint and kind of done that and thinks he’s done a phenomenal job and is blending in perfectly with the upper classes.”
    • 00:12:50 “It’s really hard to get good Somnium these days.”
    • 00:13:50 Lore Drop The Tale of the Basilisks Eye
    • 00:19:40 Fan Art Moment I walking backward with the group to the ball giving two index fingers up to the guards they’ve just passed.
    • 00:20:29 Pronouncing the word herb. Eddie Izzard - Being Bilingual
    • 00:28:00 I’s reaction to the butterscotch fizzing drink; silently releasing bubbles of three dimensional geometric shapes.
    • 00:39:25 Silver Apple broaches for members of the household of Dacar.
    • 00:50:13 Fan Art Moment Boogeying dragonborn Kelnys trying to be subtle at the ball.
    • 00:58:50 Radian’s Musk
    • 01:00:06 Aleir Dacar has a mask in the shape of a tree. The trunk tapering down, almost like a goatee. It’s this white-gold and platinum with these beautiful golden leaves above his head.
    • 01:13:10 Fan Art Moment Two natural 1 rolls in a row by Hollie for her intimidation and dexterity checks. Endelion tries to appear intimidating and instead slapstick falls into a table near the doorway.
    • 01:15:51 Just call me Scion of House Dacar, Lord Aleir.
    • 01:17:55 Harry rolls the episode’s Natural Six.
    • 01:23:23 The Spinner sends his regards. He has another task for you. Head to the city of Alvelion. It’s time to prepare for The Deference.