The planet could see 2 degrees Celsius of warming by the end of the decade.


    1 year ago

    There’s been a documented decline of about 70% in animal populations, the amount of weather and climate related destruction has demonstrably increased, there’s traces of plastic and forever chemicals almost literally all over, Australia was on fire for half a year, wildfires are increasing in frequency in the western US, hurricanes are coming with increasing frequency and intensity from the gulf up the Atlantic.

    There’s also the fires that tore across Greece, the tornadoes forming in states in the US that have seemingly never had them before, the massive loss of ice from Arctic and Antarctic areas of the world.

    This is just a small smattering of the things I remember from recently.

    I’m not saying that next year everything is going to immediately collapse. But I can see the stability of the ecosphere dissolving in front of me and there are quite a few nations that seem like they are leaning towards collapse if history is any judge of things.

      1 year ago

      And yet people continue to live their lives and create joy and meaning despite these problems. You underestimate the resilience of humanity.

      Most governments and economic systems are harmful and have created these problems in the first place, so their collapse could be an important part of solving these problems and creating something new and better.