This is easy(ier) for Ethiopia because they already have one of if not the lowest rates of car ownership per capita in the world. 2 per 1000 people. Practically nobody there owns a car to begin with. And note the repeated distinction of “car” and not “vehicle.” Like most African nations (and Southeast Asia, and South America) the majority of people who have motorized personal transportation at all don’t own a car; instead they own a small motorbike.
Even so, according to the sources I found the motorized vehicle ownership rate per capita in general in Ethiopia is only approximately 6 in 1000 – motorbikes included. So this isn’t a very big Band-Aid for them to rip off compared to, say, most places in Europe. Or the US.
This is like jumping technology tiers in Civ. Good for them.
Ethiopian here. The government has already banned import of combustion cars a few months ago. I think it was a great move both environmental reasons and for saving money by reducing oil imports as more and more people switch to electric cars.