Bread and Circuses (@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social)
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Today, there are around 1.31 billion personal vehicles (cars, trucks, and SUVs) in the world. 🚙 Of those, only about 2% are hybrid or electric. The other 98% are ICE vehicles burning gasoline/petrol.
By 2050, it’s estimated we’ll have about 2.21 billion vehicles in the world. That’s a HUGE number, almost 70% greater than today.
But how many of those will be electric? Instead of only 2%, it’s expected they will increase to around 31% of the total.
That sounds great! 😃 More EVs is a good thing, right?
Well, if 31% are EVs in 2050, that means the other 69% will *still* be ICE vehicles burning gas/petrol. So the number of cars and trucks and SUVs burning fossil fuels will go UP from 1.28 billion now to about 1.52 billion by 2050.
That’s… not so good. 😠
We don’t *need* more cars, more traffic, more congestion, more pollution, more road damage, and more CO2 emissions.
What we need is:
❇️ More bicycles
❇️ More electric bikes
❇️ More pedestrians
❇️ More mass transit
❇️ More light rail
#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #CO2 #Emissions
clearing snow off the top of a sedan to commute to/from work is so much more effort than cleaning the seat and handles of a bike. Unfortunately the only reasonable route to work requires going on a highway where pedestrians and bicycles are prohibited.