Splash art

E2 art


Tap animation

Deploy animation

Attack animation



New feature: Elemental Damage

Imgur album

5* Ritualist Operator: Valarǫvin**

Trait: Attacks deal Arts Damage and additional Elemental Damage

Talent 1: In [Expeditioner’s Jǫklumarkar], Valarǫvin’s attacks deal an increased amount of Necrosis Damage.

Talent 2: Valarǫvin gains a certain amount of ATK and ASPD.

S1L7: The next attack deals 100% ATK as Arts Damage, and an additional 50% ATK as Necrosis Damage
Can store 2 charges

S2L7: +35 ASPD; attacks hit one additional enemy, and attacks deal an additional 25% ATK as Necrosis Damage

Necrosis Damage:

When the Elemental Damage reaches the limit on an enemy (Bosses have a higher Elemental Damage limit than normal enemies and elites), it reduces enemy ATK, gradually recovering to the normal value, and the enemy receives a certain amount of Elemental Damage per second.
There is a cooldown of several seconds between procs.


  • There is currently no official English translation of the archetype name; the Ritualist name is taken from datamines.
  • Please don’t repost my TLs on Reddit.