The drone that killed three US Army soldiers and wounded dozens more in Jordan on Sunday approached the US military outpost, Tower 22, around the same time an American drone was returning to the base, which led to uncertainty over whether it was hostile and caused a delay to the US response, two US officials told CNN.

The enemy drone followed the American drone as it approached, but it is not clear whether the enemy drone intentionally followed the American one or if it was a coincidence, one of the officials said. US officials are also still assessing the enemy drone’s point of origin.

The Wall Street Journal first reported the confusion over the enemy drone.

Three US soldiers were killed in the attack on Tower 22, and as of Sunday evening more than 30 had been wounded; eight of them have been transferred to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany for further medical care.

  • Snot Flickerman
    8 months ago

    Now see, these are UFOs that are actually dangerous, and our government can’t even get a grip on which ones are our own because there’s so many at this point.