The European Union will urge its member states to shut off all EU funding to Budapest if Hungary does not back down on its pledge to veto the EU’s proposed $55 billion military aid package for Ukraine, a leaked document prepared by EU officials and seen by the Financial Times revealed on Jan. 28.

  • @vzq
    55 months ago

    They leaked it because they hope the threat will be enough. It won’t.

    They will need to follow through. Or cave to Orban forever.

    5 months ago

    The threat will not work. Putin can pay them double. Just re-vote on memberships and let these motherfuckers get voted off the island.

  • Ben Matthews
    15 months ago

    What EU really needs to do is reform the consensus / veto decision-making system (and likewise for NATO, and UN bodies…). Transactional bargaining, trading disconnected issues for each other, just encourages people like Orban (who has enough majority in parliament to do what he wants, regardless of impact to hungarian economy). Meanwhile suspending voting rights would be a better step in the right direction.