What’s best practice to safely play pirated games on Linux? Looking to mitigate potentially malicious executables from wrecking havoc on my system.
What’s best practice to safely play pirated games on Linux? Looking to mitigate potentially malicious executables from wrecking havoc on my system.
Don’t use VirtualBox. It’s great for most things but it’s not powerful enough for games. Use VMware Player or Workstation and use the max amount of vram it’ll let you.
I can’t speak for VMware’s technology, but the company just got bought by Broadcom, so treat them with Red Hat-like suspicion.
oh yeah no the company is sketchy af. The product is better for this specific use case though so that’s why i’m recommending it
I wonder how VMware does this, cause in the case of nvidia the gpu is usually pretty locked down and requires some girhub-arguably legal code to work on kvm