I literally do blame the Democrats for Trump, and if you don’t, you weren’t paying attention.

Plenty of us were critiquing Clinton’s campaign on those merits and were consistently talked down to in shocker the same way we’re being talked down to now. Shocker, she lost. I remember saying a few weeks before the election “We’re about to get Brexited.” I put my vote down for Clinton, because Trump is fucking insane, and that was clear before he was President. It was clear in the fucking 1980’s.

Being able to critique our leaders is supposed to be what is the difference between us and conservative voters. They’re the cult who unquestioningly believes all the bullshit that comes out of Trump’s mouth and diapers. I find it weird that people think we should be more like them in regards to our leaders like that would be a good thing.

  • Snot FlickermanOP
    1 year ago


    Six months later, Clinton associates’ wariness of Bush and his likely financial firepower was still acute: Democratic pollster Celinda Lake wrote to Clinton adviser Minyon Moore to warn her that she’d been testing Bush’s economic message for a client. “It has been remarkably strong. Getting even half of african americans and democrats and two thirds of latinos. Some thought it ended too harsh. But the perspective on the economy has really worked. Now we didn’t tell people this was from bush. But it’s a warning."

    So to take Bush down, Clinton’s team drew up a plan to pump Trump up. Shortly after her kickoff, top aides organized a strategy call, whose agenda included a memo to the Democratic National Committee: “This memo is intended to outline the strategy and goals a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign would have regarding the 2016 Republican presidential field,” it read.

    “The variety of candidates is a positive here, and many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right. In this scenario, we don’t want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more ‘Pied Piper’ candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican Party,” read the memo.

    “Pied Piper candidates include, but aren’t limited to:

    • Ted Cruz

    • Donald Trump

    • Ben Carson

    We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to [take] them seriously."

    While the campaign also kept a close eye on Rubio, monitoring his announcement speech and tightly designing the tweeted responses to his moves, Clinton’s team in Brooklyn was delightedly puzzled by Trump’s shift into the pole position that July after attacking John McCain by declaring, “I like people who weren’t captured.”

    Eleven days after those comments about McCain, Clinton aides sought to push the plan even further: An agenda item for top aides’ message planning meeting read, “How do we prevent Bush from bettering himself/how do we maximize Trump and others?"

    • Hikermick@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      OK nice copy and paste job. It’s says Clinton aides drew up a plan. Can you give me actual examples of Hillary Clinton elevating Donald Trump? Laugh at Trump supporters all you want, those that couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Clinton were target of foreign disinformation and let Trump get elected. Folks haven’t come to grips with that and it can happen again

      • Snot FlickermanOP
        1 year ago

        She won the popular vote or are you stupid?

        She lost the EC in states she didn’t campaign in.

          • Snot FlickermanOP
            1 year ago

            She didn’t campaign in Wisconsin following the party conventions, and her weak campaign in Michigan and Pennsylvania lost her what had been Democratic strongholds. She didn’t campaign in those states as much because she wrongly assumed she didn’t have to, whoops.

            Those are the three states that were key to her loss, and yes, one of them she didn’t campaign at all in during the general election.

            • mob@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Well now that’s changing the tone. From “She lost the EC in states she didn’t campaign in.” to “She didn’t go to Wisconsin”. Something she literally regrets and talks about frequently.


              Democratic Convention ended July 28th. That gives her 103 days to election day. Obviously she’s going has to prioritize. You can blame it on poor strategy, but your malicious twist is silly.

              • Snot FlickermanOP
                1 year ago

                You can blame it on poor strategy, but your malicious twist is silly.

                What malicious twist? The well-documented fact that part of her campaign strategy was to make it seem like the craziest and most extreme Republican candidates represented Republicans? She wanted them to lose the middle because people would see how nuts they were. Well, she got what they wanted, and now being totally crazy is associated with Republicans, but turns out people loved it.

                It’s not a “malicious twist” to be able to admit that she did this to herself and us through bad campaigning and wrong focus. I blame her incompetence for bringing us Trump as much as I blame the incompetence of Trump voters for voting for him.

                Or is the real issue I’m not allowed to call her incompetent because sHe’S tHe mOsT qUaLiFiEd cAnDiDaTe wE’vE eVeR hAd?"

                She fucking lost to a diaper-wearing reality show host with orange fucking skin and syphilis. Fat lot of good those credentials did.

        • TheActualDevil@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I having a stroke or are you? I’m not sure what her having won the popular vote and lost the EC in states she didn’t campaign in has to do with her “elevating trump.”

          The person you’re replying to seems correct to me in that these are excerpts from a plan drafted by her team, but it does seem to be missing evidence they put it into action. Her not campaigning in some states isn’t that, right?

          And honestly, I can kind of see their point. Sure, in hindsight it’s easy to criticize the idea post trump election, but most people would not have taken a trump campaign seriously. Especially in 2014 when this was written. It’s a extremely normal and valid tactic to try and prop up what’s perceived as a candidate that can be easily beat in a national election to cut out any real competition during the primaries.

          But strategy aside, there’s still nothing showing the Clinton campaign “elevated” trump. Even reading that article, the most they did was nothing. They just focused their attacks elsewhere because he wasn’t a serious target. Again, that’s what everyone does. Why waste millions in advertising dollars to attack someone who seems like they’re going to lose anyway? Surely you want to work on taking down your actual rivals early? Turns out they were wrong, but so were most of us in 2014.

          I worry that the decades that republicans spent demonizing Hillary Clinton worked all too well on even more progressive voters and people will see malice in everything she ever did, and misjudgments that we were all guilty of are viewed as unforgivable when she does it. By all accounts I remember reading, she’s not terribly charismatic, but has always been a very effective leader once in position. Nobody like campaigning Hillary, but poles for her when she was in an office were great.

          • Snot FlickermanOP
            1 year ago

            but poles for her when she was in an office were great.

            Yeah looks like you’re the one having a stroke.

            • TheActualDevil@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Ah! You got me! I made a spelling error. I concede all on your points now. I guess you’re 100% right now. Man, you really got this arguing thing down.