• @audiomodder
    125 months ago

    The answer is “no”. The reason Iowa was forced to use crappy software by the DNC was because Iowa has a history of not supporting the Corporate Democrat. People give Iowa a lot of crap, but there are a lot of very progressive people here, especially in the rural areas. The problem is the DNC pushes people like Hillary Clinton and completely alienates the rural progressive base. There’s a reason that Iowa rarely ends up picking the candidate, and it’s because Iowa democrats tend to be more progressive than their east-coast cousins. I’m a rural Iowan, and my caucus in 2020 went 3 delegates for Bernie, 1 delegate for Warren, and 1 delegate for Buttigeig. We had exactly 1 person the room of 50+ people that supported Biden (he was a day-of registration and I know him…he had a Trump sign in his yard), and the 1 Buttigeig delegate was a coalition of the corporate candidate supporters.

    So long story short, the DNC actually has a vested interest in NOT having Iowa first. It doesn’t benefit the candidates they actually want.

    • GodlessCommie
      85 months ago

      The DNC did that to themselves. They always shoot themselves in the foot then blame someone, with no gun, for their injury.