Welcome to Exandria Unlimited: Calamity. If you were expecting a fun one, you’re not getting one! This is a story of grief, betrayal, loss, and the panic of the coming of a new age, Calamity.
That’s right! We’re doing a prequel series!
We are going to be telling a story of a different age in Exandria, an age long past. Rumors and legends abound of this time period in the world. This is prior to any Vestiges of Divergence. Prior to the coming of the Divine Gate and the departure of the dieties into realms beyond Exandria. You will find no Tal’Dorei in this version of this world. For, indeed, it has not yet received that name. It is known by its Elven name, Gwessar. We journey to an age long ago to tell a story perhaps of a more sorrowful and bitter time. Shadows stalk this world. Come with us, but please only if you dare.
Available for viewing on YouTube and Twitch
Run Time 1:50:17
Sam:"Yeah, that was a well-researched connection that I definitely spent a lot of time researching and talking to Ashley about…
Or maybe it was Brennan saying, “Hey, who’s your warlock patron?” and me going to the Critical Role Wiki and just looking up 'fey creatures/characters in Critical Role lore, and seeing the word Seelie and being like, “Great, done.”
Travis:“There’s this Navy Seal named Jack Carr that has these hawks, these Winkler RnD hawks, that look like the craziest things you’ve ever seen and I looked em up and they’re part of this Sayoc Kali fighting system in the Philippines which led to the Philippine Eagle, and so it just like rolled and rolled and rolled and that’s just how it started.”
“How about Loquatius Seelie, implying that Im from the Seelie Court, like Elmenore? Wasn’t that something you did with Fearne on ExU?”
Sam:“It was definitely honest, I am not a very good actor, as opposed to what I said earlier.”
Aabria:“I love you.”
Sam:“But yeah, I fell in love with her during the game, it was amazing.”
(bonus Joseph Campbell quote, click to reveal)
Sam:“Yeah, you shoulda died.”
Aabria:“My bad.”
Sam:“Gimme my moment!”
"You’ll get the moment, Brennan, at some point, something will pop up in C3, and you’ll just be there and be like, “(tearily) It happened and it mattered. Why do we tell stories?”
Sam:“If that ends up being true, we came up with that idea. This fan did not do it.”
Brennan:“…then what you get to do is conscript Matt Mercer into doing Slavic accents for any Aeorians. I don’t know why in that moment, but we were improvising it and there you go. And that’s Bolo. Bolo’s dead.” (shouts of disaproval) “Or! Or! She dies 12 hours later because she gets hit by a wagon…Or Bolo is an incredibly dangerous Aeorian spy who goes into Avalir during the chaos and finds a necessary piece of arcanotech for Aeor’s later work with all the shady things that we know that they were working on. Or there’s also a world where maybe Bolo was a polymorphed dragon and she just flew away.”
Marisha:“Who was this bitch?!”
Brennan:“She is Bolo and she want to be a reporter. Eventually.”
Marisha:“You were fuckin a dragon!”
Aabria:“I would allow that.”
Sam:“That’s how the dragonborn race was born.”
Brennan:“We remember back our progenitor, Bolo. Dragon fuckin! Thanks folks!”
Unrelated Side Story: Notable actor Yang Sze a.k.a. Bolo Yeung.