I once mentioned to my father that most people are likely felons without realizing it because everyone will have violated a whole slew of laws they are unaware of or that are obscure/unenforced. He, being a conservative, became angry with me.
I can probably come up with a dozen felonies and goodness knows how many misdemeanors I’ve committed in my life, and I’m definitely not a menace to society.
Exactly. The worst thing that most people do as far as common laws are concerned is speeding.
The real bad things that happen that are rarely enforced is spousal and child abuse, religious abuse, abuse from certain authorities, etc. These destroy lives.
God it feels good knowing we can actually say the solution to the world’s ills out loud here. You’d get banned from Reddit and YouTube for saying the people ruining our planet need to stub their toes.
Feel free to say #eattherich rhetoric all you want there. I don’t put up with .world’s blatantly obvious corporate shill shit.
EDIT: From the modlog, here’s the deleted comment.
If by breaking laws you mean setting the financial district on fire with executives still in those soulless highrise pieces of shit than yes, it kinda does. Imagine the world without what we are told to call “elite”.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !benjamingetthemusket@lemmy.cafe
You wouldn’t download a car, a House, two beautiful women or their chi…you know a highrise I mean. You wouldn’t download a highrise or a jet plane or two really hot babes. right?
I don’t know, have you guys developed the quantum teleportation reflux trackrowave transmission elometer yet? Cuz you’re gonna need at least three of those in a bisiouscope to download anything of value really. And if you’re looking at porn, dude, zoom out until the entire body is in view. It’s a warning you must heed. Otherwise you better figure out how to get rid of body parts if you know what I mean.
Empty political promises are one thing and par for the course. Literally getting away with high treason on several documented accounts and still being able to run for president is another.
Meanwhile, Trump’s a free man, goose stepping around in his fucking lift shoes, with 91 Federal charges against him. This country is so backwards.
Kind of makes you want to stop obeying laws, doesn’t it?
I once mentioned to my father that most people are likely felons without realizing it because everyone will have violated a whole slew of laws they are unaware of or that are obscure/unenforced. He, being a conservative, became angry with me.
I can probably come up with a dozen felonies and goodness knows how many misdemeanors I’ve committed in my life, and I’m definitely not a menace to society.
None of these are violent or sexual in nature.
Exactly. The worst thing that most people do as far as common laws are concerned is speeding.
The real bad things that happen that are rarely enforced is spousal and child abuse, religious abuse, abuse from certain authorities, etc. These destroy lives.
Removed by mod
God it feels good knowing we can actually say the solution to the world’s ills out loud here. You’d get banned from Reddit and YouTube for saying the people ruining our planet need to stub their toes.
You say that, and poof, 2 hours later that post is mysteriously “removed”.
Weird i can still see it. Does lemmy save comments on a per instance basis or something?just checked it on a different device, fucking hell. people need to leave .world, its just another reddit and has been since i started browsing lemmy.
Could you tell me the post you’re referencing? I would like to investigate this further for you.
It was removed here. I can only guess.
Feel free to say #eattherich rhetoric all you want there. I don’t put up with .world’s blatantly obvious corporate shill shit.
EDIT: From the modlog, here’s the deleted comment.
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !benjamingetthemusket@lemmy.cafe
I’m a commoner and I haven’t lobbied any lawmakers, so the law still applies to me
I’m just this here: Eco-Defense
You wouldn’t download a car, a House, two beautiful women or their chi…you know a highrise I mean. You wouldn’t download a highrise or a jet plane or two really hot babes. right?
Is…is this an option? Asking for a casual acquaintance.
I don’t know, have you guys developed the quantum teleportation reflux trackrowave transmission elometer yet? Cuz you’re gonna need at least three of those in a bisiouscope to download anything of value really. And if you’re looking at porn, dude, zoom out until the entire body is in view. It’s a warning you must heed. Otherwise you better figure out how to get rid of body parts if you know what I mean.
Who obeys the stupid laws??
I haven’t set anything on fire yet.
Don’t forget he pardoned supreme liar and felon Roger Stone who went on to plotting assassinations.
and biden is out running for president too after promising to legalize and police reform and firing staffers for using cannabis
people seem to still support him too
US elections are fucking insane
like watching clones dressed in different skins begging for votes with whatever empty promises they think and know the populace will eat up
Empty political promises are one thing and par for the course. Literally getting away with high treason on several documented accounts and still being able to run for president is another.