I took a quick look while it was up and it was just a user guide, similar to the lemmymigration subreddit

  • LinkOpensChest.wav
    521 year ago

    This wild banning of subreddits that promote alternatives to reddit is likely to push a lot of people to leave who may have been on the fence about staying on reddit

    • BreadDogOP
      311 year ago

      I’m just waiting for the real Streisand effect to kick in if they ban /r/redditalternatives

      • gnoop
        161 year ago

        That’s already happening. People are mentioning kbin, lemmy, and tildes pretty regularly. A few others have tossed their sites in as well. It’s going to get passed around one way or another.

      • Code_a
        171 year ago

        If you haven’t done it, go back and delete your posts and comments. Reddit needs your content, without its users providing content and moderation Reddit is done.

        • RoboRay
          61 year ago

          Redact can automate your content purge.

          Windows, Mac and Linux clients available.

          • @charlytune@mander.xyz
            41 year ago

            Is there any way of downloading / exporting my comments? I know it sounds daft, but there’s some of my early posts about personal stuff that I’d like to keep. I couldn’t find anything in my account settings (first time I’d logged on to the actual website in a long time ha)

              • @charlytune@mander.xyz
                11 year ago

                Cool thanks. I’d be ok with waiting for the response before deleting my account. I might give that other option a go as well. Once I’ve got all my comments in a spreadsheet I might then realise how pointless keeping them is!

                • IntrovertedEO
                  11 year ago

                  @charlytune @LinkOpensChest_wav I looked through my past comments on Reddit and I think only one was of any use. Frankly I mostly lurked, so they can have those comments. I’ll delete my account June 30th (or before if spez tries damage control again) and just enjoy the fediverse.

          • the_observer95
            31 year ago

            No, it doesn’t affect the karma of the account. I just tried deleting some of my posts to check this, and it remained unchanged.

      • boxys
        101 year ago

        Honestly, such a disappointment to see what has been a great community devolve because of such short sighted decisions…

  • Tsukuy0mi
    411 year ago

    That’s crazy lmao, I found out about kbin through all the fiasco and the subreddit called redditalternatives where it was rated very highly, just a few hours ago too

    But anyway, hello everyone, been a reddit user since 2013, this seems like a nice place to lose productive hours to

  • @sijt@lemmy.world
    291 year ago

    Absolutely wild that they looked at what happened at Twitter, identified all the things that triggered the several periods of mass migration to Mastodon (shutting off api access, policy changes, shutting down conversation about alternatives) and decided to speed run it. Next thing is trying to directly monetise people by giving them a red tick or something.

      • @stewie3128@lemmy.ml
        11 year ago

        Yeah Genevieve Marie ruined Fark for me. That’s when I went to Reddit. Now I’ve left Reddit for completely different reasons.

    • TWeaK
      71 year ago

      I mean, there’s an argument to be made that reddit was going down this path long before Twitter, what with their hosting and perhaps even promotion of r/t_d

    • @InfiniWheel@lemmy.one
      71 year ago

      Technically it has kinda worked out for Twitter though. They still have a sizable userbase, its just a dumpster fire now.

      • @sijt@lemmy.world
        91 year ago

        Probably depends on how you define success with these things. The valuation of the company is down a significant amount since it was purchased and recent reports had ad revenue also down a significant amount too. Whether the owner cares about those things is probably up for debate, and evidence would suggest he might be looking for something other than money out of it, like influence, or just a play thing. I’m not sure the owners of Reddit are motivated by the same things, I think they just want to be richer. Time will tell I guess, it’s difficult to tell the difference between incompetence and intentional acts from the outside.

    • @jerkface@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Reddit is shifting from user-focused to investor-focused and AI-focused. It doesn’t matter what users think. They have done their job. They can all literally quit the site today, and it still doesn’t sink Reddit’s plans. Reddit has no reason to care what any user thinks anymore. Those days are over.

    • @Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
      11 year ago

      My assumption all along is that the new API pricing thing was in preparation for a backpedal where they implement a paid tier for users that includes third party app access

      • Gintoki
        31 year ago

        Very plausible, but they can screw off with that psychological game bullshit. I am tired of everything being about profits these days. I want the early 2000s internet back!

        Centralization needs to die, and community collaboration needs to take its place so stuff like that stops happening.

        A single entity made a single decision, killing countless devs years of work in an instant.

  • miles
    261 year ago

    I haven’t been this entertained by reddit shenanigans in a long time tbh

  • Communist
    191 year ago

    Is there any advantages to kbin over lemmy? php seems like a much worse tech stack for no benefit.

    • @Joker@beehaw.org
      111 year ago

      Kbin is nice. It’s easy to register on kbin.social so might as well check it out, although they are possibly under DDOS attack right now. I’m on there and lemmy at the moment.

      Both systems are very similar and are compatible. You can follow lemmy from kbin and vice versa. Lemmy is probably more mature, but kbin is also pretty slick and seems to be moving fast. The community on kbin.social is fairly large so you will likely find more interaction on there without having to subscribe to federated servers. That probably makes onboarding a little easier for reddit refugees. They also have a microblog feature that works like Mastodon (federated twitter alternative) so you get to use lemmy-like and mastodon-like in one app and federate with both.

      The fact that kbin is written in PHP shouldn’t put anybody off. Modern PHP isn’t the same as the old stuff that earned a bad reputation. I haven’t used PHP for a long time, but my understanding is it’s now a solid stack that’s on par with other mainstream stacks.

      • @whiny9130@lemmy.ml
        21 year ago

        You can follow people on kbin, can’t follow them on Lemmy “because it would require an overhaul”

    • TooL
      101 year ago

      Honestly, I joined lemmy.ml first before really taking a look at the ideals of most of that userbase and I just do not agree with a large part of what they identify with.

      Bounced around to a few other instances that all seemed… Idk not the right fit. But kbin so far seems much more my style and I finally now got an account created so we’ll see how it goes.

      • @Gray@lemmy.ca
        151 year ago

        I feel like the server owner matters more than the platform itself. Which is to say that while I’m also not a fan of how far left the lemmy devs are, I have found some lemmy communities to be more in line with my values. I imagine if lemmy grows at all we’re eventually going to see many views represented. So I think whether to use kbin or lemmy should really come down to aesthetic preferences. I personally prefer the look/feel of lemmy, but I respect anyone who prefers kbin. It’s pretty cool that we can communicate across platforms. Really shows the power of ActivityPub.

      • @socsa@lemmy.ml
        111 year ago

        I’m curious what has turned you off here, since I’m very new. Reddit’s weirdly right wing political tilt has been turning me off for some time now, hoping that’s not the case here.

      • @Captain_Wtv@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Most of the communities federate with Lemmy though, so Idk if you can escape it.

        For example this post is on Lemmy.

        And now that I think about it it kind of makes sense. Most of the time if you want a non-corporate protocol, it’s made by leftists or people that are really right-wing.

    • @Garrathian@beehaw.org
      91 year ago

      I think it might serve it’s own niche. I heard the microblog tab makes it a bit nicer to see content from mastodon users that someone is following. so it could develop to be like a hybrid lemmy/mastodon type of tool. But I haven’t read too much into what kbin is aiming to be

      • BackOnMyBS
        221 year ago

        those are the admins of one instance. if you don’t like them, you can join another or create your own

          • Preußisch Blau
            301 year ago

            It’s FOSS, so fork it and host it yourself or find someone else you like who has/can do so. I don’t personally think it’s too surprising that this free (as in freedom) platform was created by and initially attracted leftists and anarchists, and even if it is, I think it matters far, far less than everyone seems to think it does.

          • BackOnMyBS
            91 year ago

            Serious question: Since it’s a federated system that is open-source, what do their political views have to do with supporting the platform? Even if they decide to become Neo-Nazis and change it, the rest of use can continue to use the work they’ve made thus far and keep it like it is or improve on it. Our use of it doesn’t support their political aspirations either aside from their beliefs in federated social media.

              • BackOnMyBS
                41 year ago

                I’m not that tech savvy…so please be patient. From what I can tell, the slurs are the only things that hard-coded in. Am I missing something else?

                1. Does hard-coded mean it cannot be changed even though it’s FOSS? According to that conversation, they seem a bit concerned that the tables with the slurs can be easily removed.

                2. I’m okay with slurs being blocked, but I guess it would depend on how they define the slurs and all that. Also, maybe it would be a better idea to remove the slur protection from the actual Fediverse and let instances apply their own version, but at the same time, I see benefit to blocking it universally. It’s not something that’s clearly black-and-white to me.

                I guess that aside from their personal political views regarding marxism-leninism (I’m assuming that’s what ‘ml’ stand for), I’m confused as to how that practically affects the Fediverse. For what it’s worth, I tend to subscribe to anarcho-socialism, so while I have overlap with marxism-leninism, I’m vehemently opposed to any authoritarian/bureaucratic centralized control of an economy. Which means that I also don’t agree with their application of marxism. However, I see that as irrelevant to the Fediverse, and as far as I can tell, the Fediverse is quite decentralized anyway.

                • link
                  1 year ago

                  Does hard-coded mean it cannot be changed even though it’s FOSS? According to that conversation, they seem a bit concerned that the tables with the slurs can be easily removed.

                  No, you just need to step up and become the guy known for maintaining the slur fork of Lemmy. 😏

                  I do believe this was changed some time ago though. It is a setting admins can change without compiling from source.

                • @Captain_Wtv@lemmy.ml
                  11 year ago

                  That is old discourse. The slur filter has been multilingual and not hardcoded for a while iirc (ignore the account date I’ve switched accounts a lot).

              • Bilb!
                1 year ago

                You think lemmy “includes human rights violations?” What does that mean? Also, read the entire page you keep linking to. Slur filtering is optional.

          • Bilb!
            61 year ago

            That hasn’t been the case for a while now. It also never truly mattered, the code is available for you to modify.

          • Jack.
            31 year ago

            Really mad that I can’t say my favourite slurs on lemmy. Where can I be racist now?

      • @gnuhaut@lemmy.ml
        201 year ago

        Must be traumatic to have your worldview questioned for the first time. They’ve been fed anti-communists propaganda from birth and are now trying to avert their eyes, lol. Reminds me of evangelicals when they encounter “satanic” media.

        • @socsa@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          Are you suggesting that there are no valid criticisms of communism, and removing the agency of anyone who suggests otherwise? I’m genuinely curious as a socdem who likes a lot of liberal ideas.

          • @gnuhaut@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            I’m suggesting this is cult-like behavior, yes. People (especially communists) criticize various Marxist thinkers as well as the positions of communist parties all the time. Of course I don’t think every criticism is invalid. As far as I can tell, they’re barely even doing any criticizing in the linked thread, they’re just going “tankie warning!!! do not hang out with these people!!!”.

            • @socsa@lemmy.ml
              51 year ago

              I’m happy to say that wasn’t the response I was expecting, but now I’m not sure what to do with my tankie pitchfork.

              • qprimed
                21 year ago

                holy sh!t, this single thread was better than entire /r subs I have seen :-)

        • lol they’re going to reconsider their antipathy for reddit when they show up here and don’t have the entire reddit “policy” department putting their thumbs on the scales

    • Chromozone
      11 year ago

      I mean it’s easier to develop new features when you’re using a language like PHP. I love Rust but it’s going to be laughable at how slow they will move new features out compared to other platforms unless they can get a ton of more developer volunteer support (and way less people know Rust to begin with).

      • Communist
        21 year ago

        How many new features are there really to add?

        I’d rather them be made in a much more solid language than having them fast.

        • Chromozone
          41 year ago

          Better profiles, followers, better community customization, better embeds, I can keep going on. Yeah, Reddit has a ton of stupid features that nobody asked for but it also has a lot of things that are very good for everyone. Obviously we’re still in the early days but they’re already running into issues (they are just finishing ripping out all the websockets and chat server stuff, which was one of the big things slowing down instances)

  • Alue42
    131 year ago

    I joined here specifically because I saw that had been banned - they must see this as the threat. Anyone have any info about what was in the guide? I registered and subscribed to some things, but still getting my feet wet.

      • Ignacio
        61 year ago

        Hello. I think your link doesn’t reach to the correct destination. You have to put the url between the parentheses, (https://…), and the text to be shown between the brackets, [some text].

  • @cecirdr@beehaw.org
    121 year ago

    I’m on both beehaw and kbin. I’m still trying to understand kbin. I guess magazines are like communities? But the list of magazines, while long, appears to only be local? How do I see communities on other instances to subscribe to them? Beehaw is more understandable. I can see what instance someone is posting from. I can see and subscribe to communities for other instances. I can select to see all my subscriptions from any instance.

    So for now, I’ll keep both my accounts. Let the dust settle. Learn how to drive “this thing” and eventually delete an account from a server that I don’t need. It’ll free up space for someone else.

    • @havilland@lemmy.ml
      71 year ago

      You can find lemmy communities via the search function. Search with @COMMUNITY@LEMMY-INSTANCE, this produces a magazine that is linked to the community.

    • IntrovertedEO
      1 year ago

      I don’t think it has communities like Lemmy - it all seems to be kbin.social so it is all local. However, if you head over to Lemmy and locate the communities you want to follow from their big list (like the beehaw.org communities), you can add them to your kbin subscriptions and follow along from kbin. The only difference I’ve found is that Lemmy community links start with the ! sign, so that has to be changed to @ when you search for the community through kbin.

      Edit: I’m keeping my kbin and my sh.itjust.works accounts for now to see which I prefer.

      • OverfedRaccoon
        11 year ago

        It looks like someone is making an extension to handle subscribing to Lemmy communities easier from kbin. I’m still trying to figure it all out myself though.

        • IntrovertedEO
          31 year ago

          That would be great! The easier things are for anyone who migrates the more likely they are to stick around and contribute.