Do you use them when you don’t have time to cook or don’t want to? Do you use them to avoid gaining weight? What is your opinion about their potential health implications?

    1 年前

    I have a subscription to Holfood and I love it. It definitely makes life easier. For me, the advantages I get from meal replacement shakes are

    • it saves me from having to decide what to eat so I can put that energy towards things I actually care to do
    • it’s not very filling, so i can have a shake fairly soon after a solid meal and fit more calories into my day
    • Probably much healthier than any other meal I can make in the same amount of time
    • Very tasty in my opinion, but that’s down to personal preference
    • Makes solid meals much more enjoyable because they’re no longer mandatory, you don’t have to eat so much that you get sick of the foods you normally enjoy, and you can choose your solid meals to maximize enjoyment rather than nutritional value

    The main con is that it’s expensive relative to cooking for yourself. But if you factor in the time savings, it may not actually be any more expensive.