It pains me, absolutely pains me, how many people out there are completely incapable of understanding satire.

I honestly don’t know how anyone could watch this video—actually, not even watch, just see the title and thumbnail for this video—and not realise that it’s an obvious spoof.

This also reinforces my belief that the quality of YouTube comments decreases proportionally to how long the video has been released.

  • Jean-Francois
    8 months ago That video was convincing enough. You OBVIOUSLY are in love with the Dodge RAM. (In fact, I was wondering how you, as a dad, would react if a son came out to you at 16 with a preference for the Ford F150 instead of Dodge RAM 🙂

    (In fairness, someone who hadn’t watched all your videos might have taken the DodgeRAM video litterally, you were convincing enough. Anyone who followed you would know out far out of character you were (and that made it so funny, especially with the pills