Trying to see if anyone has a routine for someone totally new to running. I’m a big fan of “this week do this, build up to do this, etc…” I’m in my thirties and from a young age until I was about 20 I had severe asthma. I’ve never been good at running. Asthma doesn’t bother me anymore but I’m needing something to do while traveling for work. I work construction all across the state and come home on the weekends.

If anyone has some ideas that would be great. When I do stuff I tend to over do it then it then it’s hard to make myself go out again.

    9 months ago

    Remember…recovery is as much a part of your training as actual running. Don’t let your mental self overhype your physical self. Practice self control and be kind to yourself.

    Also important: NEVER make any decisions directly before, during, or directly after a run. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug and can influence your behavior as much as alcohol can sometimes.