15 year old kids are probably capable of cashier work so long as they aren’t overworked and it doesn’t get in the way of school. It is not particularly dangerous like certain factory jobs could be, and is legal in most cases if the child has a parent’s permission.
The child in the photo does not look like he is 15 years old though, probably closer to 10-11 which generally is too young to be working.
Ive been working since I was 15 to support my family. This is a problem with a late stage capitalist society. Your complaining about something that alleviates this problem. Obviously its not a good thing for a child to need to work to support their household, but the solution is sure as hell not to stop them from being able to eat at all.
At 15, can you drive? Have “concesual” sex with someone 10years older? drink alcohol? Gamble?
Then why should.you be allowed to work?
Why shouldn’t a 15yo be allowed to work? Connect that dot with sex, drinking, and gambling please.
15 year old kids are probably capable of cashier work so long as they aren’t overworked and it doesn’t get in the way of school. It is not particularly dangerous like certain factory jobs could be, and is legal in most cases if the child has a parent’s permission.
The child in the photo does not look like he is 15 years old though, probably closer to 10-11 which generally is too young to be working.
Ive been working since I was 15 to support my family. This is a problem with a late stage capitalist society. Your complaining about something that alleviates this problem. Obviously its not a good thing for a child to need to work to support their household, but the solution is sure as hell not to stop them from being able to eat at all.
(Also you can drive at 15)