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  • @glilimith
    36 months ago

    This looks like it’s building on top of tropes I hate to make a story I could genuinely enjoy. It’s so frustrating to see a story go “don’t bully the weak… because what if they’re actually strong??” and I’m hopeful that this time we’ll see more of a meaningful story about the weak learning to look out for each other and compassion winning out instead of force.

    There are some choices in the story so far that baffle and frustrate me, like the past life’s voice being absent but Ivy echoing her questions every time for our benefit, or like Ivy constantly taking her bags off and putting them back on, but overall I enjoyed the episode a lot. I give the premiere a 4/5.

    • LvxferreOP
      26 months ago

      This is a tiny bit of spoilers but I’ll mention it because it might help you to decide between picking this series up or not: as of ch20 of the manga, she gets more skilful and confident but she’s still extremely weak and needs to be protected.

      On echoing the questions and putting bags on/off: full agree, the anime handled it really poor.

  • LvxferreOP
    26 months ago

    Okay… don’t expect too much depth from this series. It’s mostly fluff, as you follow Femicia/Ivy’s story. She runs away, tames an equally weak slime, and decides to live against all odds.

    Still enjoyable to watch if you’re into isekai.

    • @wjs018@ani.socialM
      26 months ago

      I saw you talking about fluff in this comment and my brain got it confused with Fluffy Paradise. This series wasn’t really on my radar, but not sure I am going to have time for it.

      However, I usually have fun with mediocre isekais in a turn your brain off kind of way. So I can’t say that, in a moment of weakness, I won’t put this on instead of going to sleep like I know I should.

      • LvxferreOP
        5 months ago

        Pulp isekai is for me like fast food is for many people. It’s bad, I know that it’s bad, but I can’t stop consuming it. (My manga list has hundreds of series like this.)

        The series does have a vague resemblance to Fluffy Paradise, so your brain didn’t get it all wrong. In both the MC is reincarnated, but somehow manages to keep that childish innocence, as she interacts with a critter. Except that you don’t see Ivy bonding with a dragon, like Nema does.