• McKee@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You’ve clearly asked me why I considered plant life less than animal life which I answered. I then went further and showed that this question was actually irrelevant to the point I was making because even if I were to consider it as equal or more important I should still plants instead of animal products.

    There is no difference between the two when not in a survival situation. One is done for taste buds pleasure the other might be done because you enjoy kicking dogs.

    Actually I would dare say that kicking a dog is better than killing and eating them.At least I know I’d prefer getting kicked rather than killed and eaten.

      • McKee@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I think when going this route it helps to view it with an analogy as it makes it more intuitive to understand why I don’t find this an appealing view.

        If I were to to adopt this view point, this would mean I would be also ok with breeding humans for any given purpose (let’s say Slavery as it’s an easy one) as I could justify it saying: “It’s better for them as they would have never existed otherwise”. However I think intuitively most people would agree that would still not make it ok and that’s why I would not consider it ok for animals. Because fundamentally we’re still violating - I think - fundamental rights. (e.g. most negative rights like right not to be killed)

        P.S.: I have a rights based approach on how we should interact with animals and not a weéfarost one as I think it leads to these kinds of issues where you end up justifying terrible things.

          • McKee@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            It would depend on the animal and the relationship between their guardian and the animal.

            I would not qualify someone having a rescue dog that the dog would be a slave. It’s more akin to having a child that you care for. In the same way I would not count a mentally disabled adult living with their parents a slave.

            My current view on pets is that we should stop breeding cats and dogs just to keep them as pets especially seeing the horrendous conditions in which they are bred and the crazy things we select for while breeding to make them look cute while disregarding their well being (e.g. genetic disease that pure race cats or dogs have )

            I however also understand that some animals are completely domesticated and cannot just be left alone. Taking care of them is fine for me.

            Guardianship might be a good solutions for these cases.

              • McKee@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                If you truly think that rescuing a dog is the same as killing animals for taste and that by doing this you’re not the one forcing your morals on other sentient beings I guess it’s pointless to continue the discussion.