They’re getting voted into oblivion on the AMA, but u/ChariotWheel is helpfully cut-and-pasting and formatting them here.

  • He may not get the most downvoted comment in reddit history. But Spez is likely to end up with the most brutal AMA in history…

    “Thank you for all the years of hardwork single handedly creating the greatest platform and gracing us with your presence here today. With regards to the api changes and third party apps, I was just wondering if you had started the process of going and fucking yourself? you greedy little pigboy.” -u/OoooThatsTheSpot

    • JonOP
      101 year ago

      Did he answer that? 🤣

          • 42triangles
            11 months ago

            Honestly, I don’t see this issue with that - having preprepared answers to make sure they’re accurate (though that doesn’t appear to have been the reason in this case…) etc is a reasonable thing for an AMA like that

            I think the substance (or often honestly lack thereof) of those responses is much more the problem, together with not actually addressing most of the questions that were responded to properly (and I’m honestly just confused by the decision process by Reddit’s leadership in general tbh as it was rather foreseeable not to end well. Kinda wish Reddit will die from this hoping a lot of the communities I care about migrate to something like Lemmy instead; but I’m not holding my breath)

            • m-p{3}
              111 months ago

              If you have pre-answered questions then it’s not an AMA, it’s an announcement or a press release. An AMA requires the communication to go both ways, and he didn’t answer anything he was unprepared for

  • BackOnMyBS
    381 year ago

    He screwed up so bad, and it’s obvious he’s quite stupid…I’m wondering if he was given the Ellen Poa treatment. The investor’s knew what changes they wanted to implement to increase revenue, had him implement it, then made him take all the flak. Next, they’ll replace spez with someone else, seemingly roll back a few of the changes, and say they’re working with the reddit community. The thing is that it’s obvious that reddit is irreparably infected. The diseases cannot be eradicated because the disease is corporate greed. Reddit began its time in hospice the moment they shared they were going public. It’s over. Done. Say you final goodbyes. RIP in pieces.

    • yunggwailo
      71 year ago

      I agree. No way any investor is actually gonna want that dipshit to be running the company

      • micseydel
        41 year ago

        I think they WILL want it anyway, but that’s why I’m here :)

      111 months ago

      That’s a good take. When I worked in IT for a big company, they brought in a new CIO that was brought in specifically to outsource all of internal IT. After that was complete he retired a rich man.

    • bandario
      11 year ago

      API access aside, reddit has other extremely serious problems. The head of the fish began to rot severely a couple of years ago when mods were directed to purge undesirables from the platform.

      I personally had a 10 year old account permanently banned for a joke in a literal comedy subreddit that a mod did not like. Not a racist joke, or a homophobic joke, or a sexist joke…just a joke that they did not care for.

      That account had contributed hundreds of long-form posts and well researched comments to my interest groups over the years and it was banned with zero genuine recourse to get it back.

      I will not be returning to that platform because it is too risky. Literally years of research, editing and content creation up in smoke because a single mod didn’t like what I had to say in an unrelated community. The way that moderation is run on reddit has become insane.

      The fediverse and lemmy need to address this issue now whilst the platform is in its infancy and decide where they stand, and how communities will be moderated.

      From my own perspective I believe people have a right to moderate their own community as they see fit, but there should not be any such thing as a sitewide permanent ban for any reason at all - and mods should think twice about permanent banning people from any community.

      If you exclude ‘undesirables’ from the conversation, you deny the opportunity for discourse. You deny the opportunity to prove them wrong with evidence, and you shunt them into echo chambers where their bad ideas can prosper and be amplified by like-minded individuals. It’s the most unproductive and childish way to handle anything.

      I guess what I’m saying is, I am extremely pro free-speech and if I get the slightest wiff that this isn’t the place for me or that single individuals are being empowered to control the discourse on any given topic then I’m gone from here too.

      • BackOnMyBS
        111 months ago

        I personally had a 10 year old account permanently banned for a joke in a literal comedy subreddit that a mod did not like. Not a racist joke, or a homophobic joke, or a sexist joke…just a joke that they did not care for.

        Same! My last account of like 5 years with lots of helpful contributions throughout the site was perma-banned for a joke a mod did not like. It didn’t violate any of the rules, and it wasn’t even my joke. It was a referring to a joke from SOuth Park.

        I think that reddit already had problems and the API issue catalyzed the demise. Even if the API issue were resolved 100%, I’m done with that site. It became toxic.

    371 year ago

    Someone replied to him with “Aaron would be ashamed of the person you’ve become” and I’ve never seen such a succinct destruction of a human being in a long time. Shame Steve has no soul.

    341 year ago

    Looking through the AMA feels like talking to an ex, after you both already know it’s over and there is no coming back.

      271 year ago

      It really is. I’m glad I came over to Lemmy a few days before. Makes it easier to find the humor in this jackass imploding something so many people enjoy and contribute to.

      • macniel
        181 year ago

        I plan to migrate over to Lemmy since this API issue got raised. Its a bit rocky but I think I can manage.

          231 year ago

          I’m kind of loving it. I grew up on local BBS and before Reddit I was on lots of content-specific forums and boards but Reddit became my primary social media and it sort of absorbed the activity from a lot of those boards. Lemmy feels a bit more like the old internet forum thing, but improved- a bit spread out and janky at times but still condensed enough so I don’t have a dozen forum accounts.

          • macniel
            1 year ago

            Yeah I get what you mean, even though I didn’t grew up with BBSes, a tad to young for that. I wholeheartedly think that those mega social media companies are a terrible idea, that now and always show their ugly face, and that socializing should be brought back to: personal homepages, federated blogs and forums and heck even federated video sharing.

            Also, I still think its pretty magical that I have an account on and can still talk/chat/discuss with you on And so can microblog/comment on various mastodon instances while only been registered on one.

            • JonOP
              101 year ago

              Yeah as you say it’s pretty magical … although also janky. It really does show the possibilties of federation in a way that mastodon by itself never seemed to. And great analogy to BBSes!

          • GraceGH
            41 year ago

            Arguably its even better than BBS with per-comment replies and the already mentioned only needing one account thing. I big time miss BBS forums, maybe this’ll be my new home.

            Any reccomendations on good… what do they call the equivalent of “subreddits” here? subinstances?

  • Etelekeli
    321 year ago

    He doesn’t seem to understand that when it’s his word against Christian’s, we will trust the person who has demonstrated a history of caring about engaging with the community and producing good work, AND who happens to have brought the receipts.

      151 year ago

      The kicker here is he could have done this at any time, but only chose to do so after that shit whistle decided to drag his name through the mud. Christian has been a class act through all of this.

  • Nina
    311 year ago

    “we’re working on” “we’re not 100% sure we’re happy with” “could be interesting someday” “we haven’t figured out yet”

    Maybe you should have figured all of this out before you asked for developers to pay absorbent amounts and shift more people on to your official apps?

      121 year ago

      I love your typo/autocorrect. “Absorbant” amounts. I picture huge piles of money being used as sponges but not doing anything useful.

      • Nina
        101 year ago

        I have very bad typing issues lol. I write things super badly, and then rewrite until spell check gives me something and since I don’t know how it’s spelled I’ll just be like “yep, that looks good.”

  • Nick
    271 year ago

    It’s crazy hearing how nonresponsive the reddit team has been to 3rd party devs.

      141 year ago

      Especially the constant “oops our bad plz reach out again this time we’ll respond we promise :)” bullshit.

      121 year ago

      They really seem like they made the decision internally to force everyone into their own app and kill off as many third party apps as possible, presumably for data collection/analytics. That would explain why they’re quietly ignoring third party app devs and other alternative solutions (like the paid user API key solution discussed elsewhere).

  • lixus98
    241 year ago

    Seeing that thread made me get over leaving reddit, I do have to thank spez for that

    • ProblemsTheClown
      171 year ago

      Same, seeing him blatantly slander the Apollo dev sealed the deal for me. My account is still active, but come June 30th, it’s gone.

      The quality of his answers, considering the scope of the conversation, was extremely lacking.

      131 year ago

      Yeah, this is definitely a watershed moment for me. I knew it’d be bad, but I didn’t know it’d be “openly admit to not caring about users and only care about money, continue to lie about someone when they have a literal recording of you” level of bad

      • lixus98
        71 year ago

        I knew it’d be bad, but I didn’t know it’d be “openly admit to not caring about users and only care about money, continue to lie about someone when they have a literal recording of you” level of bad

        And this shows that from now on, it’s only going to get worse.

  • BreadDog
    191 year ago

    Steve actually doubled down on the blackmail accusation when we have to recording, my god this is some juicy drama.

      1111 months ago

      While failing to mention the contribution that third party apps made to reddit’s popularity.

      They also promised to support third party clients for a long time - classic bait and switch.

  • OldPotBestSoup
    141 year ago

    Reading this from kbin, because he gave me the push… should i actually thank u/spez?

    • yunggwailo
      71 year ago

      yup. reddit has been really trash for years now. i appreciate the push to find better communities

    • Pickled-Pizza
      41 year ago

      I’ve been unhappy with Reddit for a while. This is the kick in the ass I needed. So far I like kbin the best out of everything I’ve tried.

    • kaos95
      21 year ago

      Same with me, most of my personal network is all 3rd party based so I’ll point them at lemmy or here.