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Runtime Break start
4h 20m 2h 13m

Episode 82: Rush for the Bloody Bridge

Bell’s Hells, after a brief excursion into the Fey Realm to do some team building exercises after a bit of a fracture happened between their respective friendships, before going into a recon mission to the Red Moon of Ill Omen.
You acquired some materials with the help of Allura Vysoren, you returned to the Hellcatch Valley to one of the nearby resistance garrisons against the Ruby Vanguard’s plot under Ludinus Da’leth to unleash the God Eater, Predathos, that sits within that moon.
Here you’ve met with a number of powerful figures, this side of this troop. You were given an opportunity and a heavy distraction to sneak in from the southeastern side of the excavation site.
After being dropped off by Keyleth of the Air Ashari, her summoning a massive storm to give even more challenging power to the distraction that surrounds this site. You all began to slink in under cover of magical shadow and disguises to appear like members of the Ruby Vanguard. You push through the sandstorm, the sounds of conflict, explosions, shouts and bestial warcries echoing from the other side of the massive pit.
You approached the outskirts. From here you can see from where you stand, the shapes of where the cliff begins to reveal the edge of the excavation site. You see a massive ballista now embedded into the side that weren’t there previously, a number of tents set up for individuals that are keeping watch. Though you do not immediately see any signs of other figures other than the large, slowly-lumbering Vanguard Warder that is peeking around while the majority of the defenses are shifting focus onto the other side of the site.

Previous Episode “Eve of the Red Moon”

  • UltragrampsOPM
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