Oh no, do you cry and piss and moan every time someone validly critiques a business you just want to shop at without having to think about ethical considerations?
Someone call the fucking waahhhmbulance. So sorry that ethics are so hard for you.
Nope. I don’t give a shit what their corporate overlords beliefs are. I still go get my chick-n-minis and hash browns like I do every other week because I like the way it tastes.They could be on the brink of bankruptcy from customers taking their dollars elsewhere and it won’t magically change what they believe.
I’m sure you do happily drive your Tesla to the Chick-Fil-A after shopping at Hobby Lobby for Nestlé products. Safe in the knowledge that they all love you and have your best interests at heart.
Every time Chick Fil A is brought up, ugh.
Oh no, do you cry and piss and moan every time someone validly critiques a business you just want to shop at without having to think about ethical considerations?
Someone call the fucking waahhhmbulance. So sorry that ethics are so hard for you.
Nope. I don’t give a shit what their corporate overlords beliefs are. I still go get my chick-n-minis and hash browns like I do every other week because I like the way it tastes.They could be on the brink of bankruptcy from customers taking their dollars elsewhere and it won’t magically change what they believe.
Man this guy just out here advertising he sucks corporate boot because he can’t be fucked to give a damn about pesky externalities.
I think we just found a “temporarily embarrassed capitalist.”
I’m sure you do happily drive your Tesla to the Chick-Fil-A after shopping at Hobby Lobby for Nestlé products. Safe in the knowledge that they all love you and have your best interests at heart.