Phrasing matters. Men are adults girls are children. That may not be your intention but try to be mindful in how you interact with others and you may have more success with relationships.
You’re free to refer to your friends however you like, that’s the business of you and your friends.
Referring to “men” and subsequently “girls” in a general sense is very much a patriarchal view, implies women are inferior, and generally not respectful. I’m sure that’s not what was intended but it’s those sort of things that can rub people the wrong way, especially as a first impression.
Phrasing matters. Men are adults girls are children. That may not be your intention but try to be mindful in how you interact with others and you may have more success with relationships.
And yet no one has a problem with “What’s up boys?” or “Going to hang out with the girls.”
Maybe you guys should just stop looking for things to get offended by.
You’re free to refer to your friends however you like, that’s the business of you and your friends.
Referring to “men” and subsequently “girls” in a general sense is very much a patriarchal view, implies women are inferior, and generally not respectful. I’m sure that’s not what was intended but it’s those sort of things that can rub people the wrong way, especially as a first impression.
Even if it’s not the intent, it’s still reflective of the underlying issue you’re getting at
Thanks for the heads up, fixed it.