Link to the summary of findings submitted by South Africa:

South Africa’s 84-page filing says Israel’s actions “are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part” of the Palestinians in Gaza.

It asks the ICJ, also known as the world court, for a series of legally binding rulings. It wants the court to declare that Israel “has breached and continues to breach its obligations under the Genocide Convention,” and to order Israel to cease hostilities in Gaza that could amount to breaches of the convention, to offer reparations, and to provide for reconstruction of what it’s destroyed in Gaza.

      9 months ago

      That’s a lot of words to say you blindly support Israel.

        • BeautifulMind ♾️@lemmy.worldOP
          9 months ago

          B/c if Israel just stops like it’s trendy to demand, then Hamas will regroup and go again

          That’s an interesting prediction I’d like to see tested, honestly. What if, (hear me out here) the only thing keeping air in Hamas’s sails is the perceived need to resist the occupation? Hamas isn’t and never has been popular among Palestinians, in much the same way that Likud is really only politically relevant because someone needs to take a firm hand with Hamas.

          Also, if Israel doesn’t stop, like it hasn’t for the last 70 years, then Hamas will regroup and go again, right?

          Honestly this has all the same energy of the ‘defund the police/thin blue line’ rhetoric we’ve seen sail through our political spaces; if you listen to the law-and-order narrative the logic is that force must be escalated until those thugs learn their lesson, while that seems to drive up protest movements and that in turn gets the thin-blue-line crowd frothing for cops to use real bullets instead of rubber bullets and tear gas.

          There was peace between Jews and Palestinians before the state of Israel began its occupation and settlements. The beef here isn’t religious or cultural, the issue is the occupation and the dispossession of Palestinians of their family homes. One thing Israel could try (that it hasn’t) is not doing that

              9 months ago

              When ISIS attacked iran, a lot of people blamed iran and america, despite that conflict being driven by hundreds of years of sectarian conflict. They justified their reasoning with the most anti semitic shit possible. I think the left is having a very hard time recognizing anti semitism, and it is going to cast doubt on future leftists efforts. Shame:

                  9 months ago

                  Hamas maga is the best way to describe it.

                  Honestly going to get off lemmy soon because the issue is worse here than any other social media. It is kinda insane.

                  Houthis are being terrorists and people cheer them lmao

      9 months ago

      Saying there are no Palestinians is up there with Putin saying there are no Ukrainians. This is genocidal hate speech. Fuck you. Fuck you, profoundly.

          9 months ago

          Just because there were all sorts of people living in historic Palestine that used the word “Palestinian” to mean a geographic origin does not mean that the people that are known today as Palestinians do not exist as a people with the right to its own self determination and nationhood. Saying that kind of thing because Palestinian Jews existed (who today in their vast majority clearly identify as blue-passport Israeli, and no longer as Palestinian) is at best as ludicrous as the stupid claim that “Arabs cannot possibly be anti-Semitic as they are themselves Semites”. At worst the denial of the existence of Palestinians as a people is Putin style genocidal language.

          I don’t know of any Jewish people genuinely identifying themselves with that people. When Golda Meir was saying she is a Palestinian she was not identifying the Arabs, Muslims and Christians as her compatriots, she was doing it to deny them peoplehood. And again, no, the existence of the Mizrahim, the Arab Jews does not imply that the term Arab does not today have a specific meaning in the Israeli-Palestinian context. When Israeli fascists chant “death to Arabs” the don’t mean the Mizrahim…

          On the other hand I know plenty Muslims, Christians and atheists who do identify as Palestinian. The Israeli state does the same thing giving these people green passports and prohibiting their descendants from entering.

          I’m Greek. My country made a huge stupid stink about the Macedonians. The fact that historic Macedon was Greek does not mean that Macedonians as a people don’t exist. The fact that Macedonia the region contains Macedonian Greeks, Macedonian Albanians, Macedonian Bulgarians does not mean that the Macedonian people don’t exist. I’m an anti-nationalist from the Balkans, buddy, not some naive amerikanaki, ready to swallow national ideologies and mythologies with wide eyes.

      9 months ago

      It’s one thing to do […] Israel bashing […] on a forum […]

      It’s an entirely different thing […] to try to prove a factual and meaningful case based on actual law and legal definitions.

      And that’s exactly why I think what SA does is an important thing to do. Besides, what does the condition of SA’s state have to do with the legitimacy of this?

      Edit: it’s SA, not SAR

      9 months ago

      you are a genocide denier, you cannot be reasoned with. as for anyone else that might even slightly agree with this person i recommend you to watch this video Gaza: A Clear Case of Genocide which is a legal analysis based on the internationally recognized definition of genocide and case law.

      this videos answers whether or not actions of Hamas are relevant (it’s not), do palestinians in gaza constitute whole or a part of a group (they do), whether or not israeli leaders have genocidal intent (which can be established based on repeated and systematic conduct and war crimes as well as countless statements and revealed plans), and if their acts are covered under the genocide convention (they are).

      if you want to “get into actually debating the genuine issue” here you are. the reason i say you cannot be reasoned with is that your response is simply the stupidest thing i have read in a while. when someone cannot even concede that palestinians in gaza are in fact part of a group, they are simply not arguing with good faith, or even bad faith, they are not even arguing just putting their head in the sand and shitting as loudly as possible on the other end in hopes of silencing others.