or even pseudo-incriminated for attempting to maintain our own life.
It seems so stupid that I’m like a suspect for wanting an exchange of information without dropping my pants and bending over. No, I don’t want cookies. Yes I want to read the article but no, I don’t want to “sign up.”
It makes me feel like being a f*cking hermit. But I prefer to pirate. Even though I’m not that good at it. Screw them. I got two private trackers, a VPN, and I hope that’s enough.
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Open signups happen frequently but you have to be quick to catch them
Opentrackers.org and r/opensignups (or r/trackersignups) are good to check once in a while
MyAnonaMouse has open applications twice a week and the test is very easy
maaan, I have to go to reddit for that? Ewww
Depends on which tracker. In general though invites and you get invites by association with relevant groups. Sometimes open registration occurs (though rarely) an other times the trakcer may do interviews.
It mostly comes down to time and patience.
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Should’ve had a VPN up!
I don’t see how thats relevant.
VPN will encrypt your traffic so your ISP can’t spy on you. That’s the whole point of a VPN.
But I wasn’t even talking about vpns. Just private trackers and how to get into them.
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Perhaps I’m mistaken, but I believe the only thing they could really do is drop you from their service (or I guess throttle you to high heaven)… I don’t think a private company has the authority to impose fines, and I don’t think these companies are actually following-up on these letters with real lawsuits as it would cost them way too much money.
actually either or is good normally. Public tracker +VPN or private without.
I wouldn’t go without a VPN either way. Not a lot is really stopping copyright trolls from getting on some of the private trackers.
I torrented stuff on spectrum for years through a VPN without issue. Just make sure your torrent client is bound to the VPN network adapter only to prevent leaks.
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Basically (Its all afaik) bulletin boards and meant for groups juat chatting like we do here on reddit/lemmy.
But they also host binaries that (when put together) equal a movie file. Kinda like a multi-rar file.
Thwy usually have deals around black friday.
I’ll be the first to preach Usenet for movies and shows, but I’m wondering if you’ve found it useful for gaming/ music.
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Unless I’ve misunderstood how it works, don’t you need to pay for Usenet?
Something about paying money for pirated content rubs me the wrong way.
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Search the term “OpenSignups”
They less elite one open usually during holidays like Easter Christmast, Black Friday and summer break.