British politics risks an unprecedented shift to the far right as a result of public disillusionment if a Labour government fails to enact radical change, the former shadow chancellor John McDonnell has warned.

Writing in the Guardian, McDonnell said the threat would come not just from Nigel Farage’s resurgent Reform UK but from the return of a Conservative party “shorn” of its moderate wing and dominated by populists.

McDonnell, who served in the shadow cabinet under Jeremy Corbyn, reflected the views of others on his party’s left who are impatient with what they regard as Labour’s too-cautious approach. “The central messaging of Keir Starmer’s electoral strategy is that he’s not Jeremy Corbyn and that Labour is not the disaster that is the Conservative party,” he said.

McDonnell pointed to the polling figures of Reform UK, reaching as high as 11%, as evidence of “how a far-right populist programme can pull the major parties on to a rightwing agenda”.

    9 months ago

    Vastly reduce immigration from countries that don’t have very similar cultural identity.

    So the best way to fight the fascists is to give them what they want?

        9 months ago

        British people want less immigration because they have been fed a deluge of racist, far right propaganda for years, if not decades. Propaganda that mainstream parties have failed to counter, or even tacitly endorsed.

        Immigrants are not just good for the UK, they are essential. Of course immigration grows the economy, and makes us all richer (yes, even the poorest segments of society). But more than that, without immigration, our population will shrink, slowly at first, and eventually catastrophically. We need people to keep everything working, lest there is literally no one left by the time we get to retirement age.

        Of course immigrants struggle to integrate when right wing governments have cut the programmes that existed to help them do that! In the 2000s, my wife (an immigrant) trained to teach English as a second language - a programme specifically designed to help immigrants learn English. The Conservatives cancelled that, along with a slew of similar initiatives. And then they feigned surprise when the far right stole their voters, and eventually took over their entire party.