2023 was a pretty amazing year for games, but I’m also interested to hear what didn’t meet expectations or didn’t run as well as you expected it to.

  • arc@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Started going through my backlog a couple months ago. I want to give all worthy games a chance, preferably complete before I think about buying another

    Started by cutting out all the trash from my library, bringing it from 110 to about 30. I then used a decky plugin to split the games up into:

    • Playing
    • Story Backlog
    • Non-story backlog

    I will have max 1 story game in my “playing” group and a bunch of non story games when I want a relaxed, not mentally focused session

    Dying light - on hold after ~10 hours

    too scary and the strength and stamina of the guy is annoyingly low. The idea of playing it sounds really fun, so I’ll probably pick it back up when I feel like playing a scary game

    stardew valley - completed main story/objective (the community center). Took me ~80 hours

    the only game I’ve completed this year but I mean it when I say I loved that game. Couldn’t put it down, even played for 8 hours straight once; which is very rare for adult me. Only stopped playing because I felt burnt out after nearly 80 hours. There’s still content for me to get back to when I want

    the Witcher 3 - currently my “in progress” major story game

    About 10 hours into my second attempt at a playthrough. Wow what a game. No spoilers at all pls even if it’s something that happens at the start

    Dishonoured - abandoned after 9 hours

    It’s a fun game, the story is okay but it’s just not gripping me. It’s a meh game. I abandoned it when I realised I kept procrastinating it and moved onto the Witcher 3 (thank goodness I did!!). Small chance I try again in the future.

    Bully - abandoned after 8 hours

    This game did not age well at all.

    Very fun idea but it’s too old to enjoy. Controls too clunky, missions are too basic, doesn’t run smoothly and just a bad experience overall. The missions are also very basic.

    Some of the casual, short session games I currently have in the rotation:

    • Brawlhala - just downloaded, seems fun.
    • Vampire survivors - lives up to the hype 100%
    • Forza horizon 5 - my virtual Sunday drive
    • Hotline Miami - stuck on a level! Quite a difficult game
    • Doom 2016 - one mission per month is enough for me!
    • Dirt rally 1 - have to be in a specific mood to play this!

    Some games in my story Backlog (in no order):

    • GTA IV - up next after I finish TW3
    • Fallout 4 - I hate bugs and spiders though D:
    • RDR2 - played prologue already
    • Shadow of modor
    • Shadow warrior

    I just realised I put so much effort into a comment no one will read 🙃 it’s too late to delete now, I ain’t getting my time back so neither are you ;)

    Now im doubling down and giving all the info!! I’ve got nothing better to do (apart from the fact I should have been asleep 2 hours ago)

    • Jawa@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I read it :) I can’t seem to get started on stardew… I planted some stuff and went to bed and then didn’t really feel motivated to do more 🤷

      • arc@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Haha thanks for reading!

        And yeah it took me a few tries to get into stardew. Mainly because I was playing a simple looking game on a beefy desktop pc, it didn’t sit right with me

        The deck however, being in bed and playing stardew?? Hell yeah

        Not every game is for everyone, if you don’t like it fair enough and move on! But I will say it gets very addicting once you’ve learned the game and played through the first “season”