I’m cautious of this new reboot. Seasons 1-5 are some of my favorite episodes of TV.

How or what are you all feeling about it?

  • kitonthenet
    21 year ago

    I’m not sure what ground there is for them to cover tbh, are they going to do the eye phone again for the apple goggles

  • @TheDailyChase@beehaw.org
    21 year ago

    Welcome to the world of tomorrow! Even if the reboot winds up being bad that feeling of nostalgia you will get when the first new episode airs will be nice.

    I can only be optimistic about it until my hopes are dashed quite expertly.

  • @FrickAndMortar@lemmy.ml
    21 year ago

    It could be terrible, but I think they have a lot of the original writers back, don’t they?

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed; the only real concern I have is how are they going to end it this time? They did such a perfect job of wrapping it up last time, but I guess they have some experience in that - the series “finale” with Fry and the holophoner was an even earlier great ending!

    • Teali0OP
      11 year ago

      I agree… I wonder if they will address the ending or if it’ll be a “reboot” and have a new pilot episode that kind of retcons some things.

  • blayde
    11 year ago

    I’m staying cautiously optimistic! It’s a relatively low bar, but as long as the reboot is as good as or better than Disenchantment then I’ll be happy

    • Teali0OP
      21 year ago

      I thought Disenchantment had some real potential, especially near the end of the first season with the reveal. But then, it just kind of kept being an OK show after that so I stopped watching.