Its only a matter of time till someone reaches for their “phone” and gets themselves shot.
Don’t worry, there’s plenty of good guy phones out there that will prevent this
I’m reminded of those classic movie gags where the guy has one “gun” that’s actually a lighter, and keeps mixing it up with their actual gun.
Reminds me of the start of an episode of My Name Is Earl:
What if they don’t live in America?
Less likely but still possible.
Id say Australian police would probably not shoot if they saw someone reaching for it but I wouldnt bet on it.
why would that not already have happened dozens of times
you’ve heard of america right
People in America get shot for perfectly legitimate reasons, going shopping, going to school or calling the police for help. Not for reaching for their gun grip shaped phone that would be absurd.
What the fuck is that trigger discipline.
I believe that’s the quickest way to hang up on someone.
I believe it’s this fancy new thing the Canadian army’s been testing as an alternative to the nitrogen chambers…
It seems like a great way to get shot.
Death by cop Any%
Looks like somebody pulled the trigger and got a new phone.
Your dad would be proud of this dad joke.
See the cops up to no good? Use this convenient grip to whip your phone out and record them!