Just 60% of student loan borrowers made a payment when the bills resumed in October. "This is, in essence, a massive student debt strike," one activist said.
We don’t have to pay for the first year, interest accrues, but you don’t become delinquent. Either I completely misread the agreement I signed, and so did many others including journalists.
Good. I recall deferring a few payments over a decade ago and they were pretty adamant about telling me the deferred interest would be added to the principal/capital(?). Definitely not my field of expertise.
It’s all such a shit show. I live near a state university town and I have a hard time arguing for student loan relief. They paid theirs off… I feel like it’s not about us or any individual. At some level, a large part of our tax base is being bled dry.
You can be marked as delinquent between 30 to 90 days (and this will negatively affect your credit) depending on the servicer. The direct loans default after 360 days which is what you are thinking of.
No, this is specifically with regard to the un-pause of student loan payments. During the first year after payments started again, if you miss 2? payments you are automatically put on a short term deferment and you will not be considered delinquent. It’s referred to as a grace period / on-ramp.
We don’t have to pay for the first year, interest accrues, but you don’t become delinquent. Either I completely misread the agreement I signed, and so did many others including journalists.
More likely, this particular article is garbage.
Well that’s even harsher. They’ll let you build up some principal before garnishment.
The interest doesn’t capitalize at least.
Good. I recall deferring a few payments over a decade ago and they were pretty adamant about telling me the deferred interest would be added to the principal/capital(?). Definitely not my field of expertise.
It’s all such a shit show. I live near a state university town and I have a hard time arguing for student loan relief. They paid theirs off… I feel like it’s not about us or any individual. At some level, a large part of our tax base is being bled dry.
Argh. Cheers, yo
You can be marked as delinquent between 30 to 90 days (and this will negatively affect your credit) depending on the servicer. The direct loans default after 360 days which is what you are thinking of.
No, this is specifically with regard to the un-pause of student loan payments. During the first year after payments started again, if you miss 2? payments you are automatically put on a short term deferment and you will not be considered delinquent. It’s referred to as a grace period / on-ramp.
Whether or not she was right, this is what support at my loan serviced told me
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